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About Me

So about me i mostly like to play sports and sleep. I am currently in football and am the best one in the team. Im expecting a full scholorship to Notre Dame but UT also wants me. Im really fun once u get to now me. Plus im one hot piece of irish bod. But tough luck ladys im currently in a relationship so my hot irish body is currently off the market. Because it already belongs to my girlfriend. Chivas suk spurs blow thats all u have to know its all about the pistons baby and Necaxa. Well thats about it people feel free to ask watever laters.
The Best Myspace Survey
* . . About You . . *
Eye Color:: Dark Brown
Hair Color:: Dark Brown
Height:: 5'10
Favorite Color:: Green
Screen Name:: Raiden1022_halo2
Favorite Band:: Avenged Seven-Fold
Favorite Movie:: Remember The Titans
Favorite Show:: Mindfreak
Your Car:: Firebird
Your Hometown:: B-ville
Your Present Town:: B-ville
Your Crushes First Name:: Rita
Your Grade:: 10th
Your Style:: Dont matter i look hot in anythin
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?: yes
Kissed someone in the rain?: yes
Danced in a public place?: All the time
Smiled for no reason?: Sometimes
Laughed so hard you cried?: Hell ya
Peed your pants after age 8?: Hell no i never even wet the bed
Written a song?: Dude i wrote all of A7X songs
Sang to someone for no reason?: Ya
Performed on a stage?: No to shy
Talked to someone you don't know?: Ya if i think the girl is hot but i have a girl right now
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: Ya alot of times
Made out in a theatre?: Haha yes
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: Believe it or not i dont know how to roller skate
Been in love?: Yes i am
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?: My little cousin Hannah
Tell you, I love you?: Rita o ya
Kiss you?: Agian my little cousin hannah
Hug you?: My sis it was her b-day
Tell you BYE?: Hannah agian
Write you a note?: Hmmmmmmm dont remember
Take your photo?: Rita on her phone
Call your cell phone?: Hahaha Rita
Buy you something?: My mom
Go with you to the movies?: Man i havnt been to the movies in a long time i got football practice
Sing to you?: Haha Rita she sings funny
Write a poem about you?: Hell no
Text message you?: Rita A. Alvarez
Touch you?: Hahaha ill keep this one to myself
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?: Today
Time you cried?: Like last year when we didnt win a single game in football
Movie you watched?: Remember The Titans
Joke you told?: Cant remember
Song you've sang?: Ring Of Fire
Time you've looked at the clock?: Like 20 seconds ago
Drink you've had?: Damn my head cant remember
Number you've dialed?: Ha Ritas cell
Book you've read?: Hell noooooooooo i hate to read
Food you've eaten?: Enchiladas
Flavor of gum chewed?: Dont remember
Shoes you've worn?: K-Swiss
Store you've been in?: Wal-Mart the one thats better than Ritas
Thing you've said?: Shut The Fuck up
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?: Yes i like to make fun of rita when i right with my left haha
Whistle?: Yep
Blow a bubble?: Ya but not big
Roll your tounge in a circle?: Kinda
Cross your eyes?: Ya
Touch your tounge to your nose?: Hell ya
Dance?: Ofcourse im awsome
Gleek?: Hahaha
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: Yes ive done it like 3 times
Speak a different language?: Yes i can speak english, spanish, and IRISH
Impersonate someone?: Ya Rita haha shes a dork haha but shes my dork
Prank call people?: Ya my mom all the time
Make a card pyramid?: I was so close one time
Cook anything?: Hahaha sometimes i burn the food
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a ...: Hotter......O wait thats impossible hahaha
I wish ...: I had a million bucks
So many people don't know that ...: Im Irish
I am ...: An awsome football player
My heart is ...: Cant think of anythin
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

The person id like to met is Mickie James the WOMENS CHAMPION she might have lost to melina but its all good we all know shes still number one i would love to meet her and get an autograph from her its like my dream lol ya shes awsome i would love to meet her and one day i am. O ya and also Ashley the new playboy cover girl shes awsome too.



Damn where to begin well the movies i see most of the time are Resident Evil 1&2 because theres HOT girls kicken zombie ass, i also like to see Friday Night Lights, Remember The Titans, X-Men 1 2 & 3, Underworld another HOT girl kicken werewolf ass, also Lord of the Rings, Riddick, Doom, Reign of Fire, DogeBall, Anger Manegment, Lair Lair, AVP, Black Hawk Down, Anchor Man, Blade 1 2 & 3 and many many more.


Well i mostly just like to see anything thats on T.V because anything catches my attention but mostly i just like to watch the gay spurs lose to the detroit pistons, i also like to watch paintball games, Football games, Comedy Central, Spike TV, and some shows late at night it u know what i mean haha.




My heros would have to be parents because theyve always been there for me since the day i was born (obviously) o ya and god ofcourse hes everyones hero plus everytime i go do my buisness my parents always tell me use a condom haha there funny and they take care of me so ya they are my heros