The person id like to met is Mickie James the WOMENS CHAMPION she might have lost to melina but its all good we all know shes still number one i would love to meet her and get an autograph from her its like my dream lol ya shes awsome i would love to meet her and one day i am. O ya and also Ashley the new playboy cover girl shes awsome too.
Damn where to begin well the movies i see most of the time are Resident Evil 1&2 because theres HOT girls kicken zombie ass, i also like to see Friday Night Lights, Remember The Titans, X-Men 1 2 & 3, Underworld another HOT girl kicken werewolf ass, also Lord of the Rings, Riddick, Doom, Reign of Fire, DogeBall, Anger Manegment, Lair Lair, AVP, Black Hawk Down, Anchor Man, Blade 1 2 & 3 and many many more.
Well i mostly just like to see anything thats on T.V because anything catches my attention but mostly i just like to watch the gay spurs lose to the detroit pistons, i also like to watch paintball games, Football games, Comedy Central, Spike TV, and some shows late at night it u know what i mean haha.
My heros would have to be parents because theyve always been there for me since the day i was born (obviously) o ya and god ofcourse hes everyones hero plus everytime i go do my buisness my parents always tell me use a condom haha there funny and they take care of me so ya they are my heros