After college, I returned to Newark to work and start a band. The band was Internal Tension. After a few years and a few successful shows, the band broke up and I moved to Athens. Eventually, I found the woman that I love with two awesome kids and a dog. Now, I work for the State of Ohio in a psychiatric hospital. I quit smoking over two years ago, I used to smoke a pack and a half to two packs a day. Today, I still listen to as much metal as I possibly can. I've got the itch to get more tattoos, can't have too many is what I always say... --> --> --> START YOUTHINK.COM QUIZ RESULTS -->
What metal band are you?
You are Death! You are one of the key inventors of modern day death metal. With every album you've always gotten better. You're well respected in the music industry. The metal world wept when your band creator passed away from a brain tumor. Symbolism is an important property in your music.
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Which Black Metal Band Are You?
You are Cradle of Filth
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Which Legendary Heavy Metal Band Are You?
You're Motorhead! With wild west theamed album sleeves with photos actually shot in London quarries, you rock. Your popularity has surged recently with a wrestling theame tune and songs featured on a popular video game. A ..m/ rating of 9. All together now -YOU KNOW I'M BORN TO LOOSEAND GAMBLING'S FOR FOOLSBUT THAT'S THE WAY I LIKE IT, BABYI DON'T WANNA LIVE FOREVER!
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Which CSI are you
Gil Grissom
You are kinda creepy but smart. You always have answers but you weird people out with fascination for bugs
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