Hmm, well I aready met the man of every girls dreams, so I'm going for Elvis, Dane Cook, E.T., & ALF!
ANYTHING SCARY!!! Pimp Chronicles, Dane Cook anything, Ganster movies because how cool would it be to be a ganster ;o
old skool cartoons (Scooby Doo, Smurfs, Snorks), Family Guy, The Office, Heros, ESPN 24 hours a day!
I read anything I can get my hands on. I mostly read non-fiction bc there's no use reading anything that you can not learn from.
I know everyone always puts a relative, however, my father should have a cape and theme music! This man has raised me with the help of two wonderful grandparents with more hard times than one person should have to go through. I swear there's nothing my Daddy can't do. He's made miracles happen and stopped disasters from occuring. I haven't always picked the right path and I NEVER take the easy road, but that man has always gave me a map and a flashlight when I get lost. I hope when I grow up that I am half the person, child, spouse, worker, provider, friend and parent that he is.