Our mission is to benefit people all over the world! Every purchase you make, 10% of our commission is collected as a donation for a noble cause. We believe that every business should do their part to help people in need. What good comes from running a business and making tons of money for yourself, or your organization? Here at newmagicsource.com, we put our money where it counts. We try to benefit every child that is without food, water, clothing, education, and a future. We intend to help cancer research, benefit people that can't get health insurance because of their terminal illness... Every year we will put 10% of all commissions toward these important causes!
We hope that you will join us in our mission to help those in need. Every t shirt, DVD, book, trick, and magic set purchased will count. We don't have a large amount of traffic or a steady flow of transactions... yet. We are still a young company and we have the dedication to grow. We thank you for taking the time to understand what we stand for. Thank you for your contributions. Please visit on a regular basis, as information is always changing, and add us to your favorites! Thanks again!!
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Extreme Burn DVD
Liquid Metal DVD
Passing Thru
DB autographed decks
Masuda's WOW!
Invisible DVD - Sankey
Prohibition DVD
Holy Grail DVD
Bisection DVD
Twisted DVD
21st Century Phantom
Twisted Sisters
Svengali Deck
Magic Pen Trick