you know I might not know what I am interested in... my whole life I have picked something up because someone else was doing it I played soccer because my two brothers plaed soccer I play sand vollyball because my brother alan played. I picked up rook when every one else in my family was playing it. I do know that I got hooked on country all by myself, and I learned to juggle and love it. I am interested in Psychology because I see a need for counseling. I hike some with my dad but that is because he loves to be out in the woods. I like to collect things. it started with bottles, then stamps, then baseball cards, then I bought a collection of comic cards, and then I have an assundry of other collections. I guess mostly I am interested in making people smile that might sum it up... but I don't know. .. classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=" flash/,0,40,0" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="400" id="GVC" .. (Click Here) Free Music Videos Provided by!
Some one who can look directly into my eyes and answer ALL my questions with the truth.
I like Christian, Country, and Oldies especially the songs How Do I Love Her by Steven Curtis Chapman; I Melt , Skin, and God Bless the Broken Road by Rascal Flatts; and High Cotton and Song of the South, by Alabama.
The Patriot, WE Were Soldiers, Braveheart, Godfather, Newsies, Merrily We Live, Sons of Katie Elder, Remember the Titans,
CSI and Law and Order
Anything by Louis Lamour and John Grisham, The Giving Tree, the Great Brain series, Letters to Phillip and Letters to Karen, Jonny Tremain.
Robin Hood, William Tell, Micheal Collins, William Wallace, Nathan Hale, Patrick Henry