All Star Beauty profile picture

All Star Beauty

If you got it flaunt it

About Me

You may know me from Black Planet as oALLSTARBEAUTYo but for those of you who are seeing me for the first time here is my info... My name is Adria (ah-dria) and i`m a model/student (taking the semester off). I also do some personal training on the side when I need some extra gotta do what you gotta do sometimes. I`m single (by choice). Right now I`m just trying to get my $hit together and having fun!!

I love meeting new people so send me a note and i`ll get back as soon as I can. I have some new projects going on right now, but I`ll be on here as much as I can. Until then stay sweet and keep in touch.

Enjoy your stay here!

This profile was edited with Xenra Editor

My Interests

I'm into fitness..I work out everyday(well I try to)..LOL

love sports! Especially Basketball and Football...GO LAKERS!!!!!!

I like to dance...not very good at it, but I try *smile*

I love to eat!!!! Give me some Steak and Potatoes and i'm all good!!!

I'd like to meet:

Everyone on my friends list!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!