Baby M♥ !
[aka Miley Beech
Smiley Montana]
I couldnt have said it better myself:
"My significant other right now is myself, which is what happens when you suffer from multiple personality disorder and self-obsession."
-Joaquin Phoenix
If I went to college I would major in Apology.
-Dane Cook
I’m Shaina. There’s a lot I could say about myself . . . because I’m one of those kinds of people. I like to drink. I like to laugh. I have a tendency to swear too much and talk too loud. On a daily basis I’m called obnoxious and an asshole, but I think those are two qualities that my friends like in me. Oh yeah, I use the word 'hate' a lot. And I think burping is more gross than farting.
If you don’t like people that make jokes at others expense, you most definitely will not like me. No ones safe from being cracked on, but its all in good fun. . . Sometimes. Usually when I hit on guys [which happens way to often, probably] they think I’m joking. Or maybe they just hope I am. But anyway, the point is, I’m always joking around. I have a saying, "Don’t believe anything I tell you" because I’m most likely fucking with you.
Tattoos are my favorite: I have a bloody handprint between my shoulder blades that reads 'Five' [because there’s five of us in my family], On the inside of my left wrist it has 'Exodus' and under that it says '21: 24-25' [which is the 'eye for an eye' scripture], on the inside of my right wrist I have 'Songs for the Deaf' and under it '8:14-15' [my little ode to Queens of the Stone Age], I have a small tattoo on the lower right side of my back that I got when I was young and dumb and I’m working on a Asian influenced half sleeve- right arm. Thanks to having to work, I can’t have facial piercing- but I will never, never, never take my treguses out.
My roomates
[They tend to do that on occasion]