THE BIG RED BUTTON! Isent it pretty?
Put The Big Red Button on your siteMy name is Lucia. I'm learning how to tattoo soon. I already have a list of people that want a tattoo from me, and I love it!! I Want to come out with my own clothing line, cause I love that kinda of stuff. I LOVE photography, and I want to do that. I love music, and hope to some how be a graet big part of that one day. I'm really shy & it takes me a while to not be shy around you. I am who I am, and I'm not changing myself for Anyone in the world, just so you will like me, "If people look down on you with out giving you a chance, then they must not be that inportant to try and impress anyways". I hate ignerant people. I promise I am a really nice person. I am straight Edge, I don't care what you say I WILL be forever STRAIGHT EDGE 'XXX'. I don't care if you're not, that is you're choice, I don't judge others for that. I do me, and you do you! I care a LOT for other peoples feelings, I hate to see anyone sad. Yes I am half Mexican BUT I don't speek spanish, so please don't try talking to me in spanish only english. Yes I am a bad speller, but you just half to deal with it. I run out of things to say fast, but I am a good listener so if you need someone to talk to, just come to me and I will listin. Ur secrets r safe with me. My mom can be over brattective! I hate fakes, but everyone does!! I love meeting new friends, and listening to new music. I can be very random, and A.D.D. but u still love me!! I don't know what else to write so, If u want to know anything, ask, and I maaaay awser, lol!! Treece out!ADD my new movement at: LOVE The Used's music video for 'The Bird And The Worm'So what u think? That video kicks some mager butt!
OMG, u have to watch this next video, u will be on the floor laughing ur butt off!!!! Called "Dan has........"So what u think? the ending was priceless, I LOVE The Used!!This is a video of Sonny-Bunny and the guys hangin out! With the song Mora in the background!Next video is my best friend Jacob in a bikini!
ROFLMAO!!!! X-D Love you Jacob!!OMG, next one is the song Moss live in little Rock. I was THERE!!
NOTE: I did NOT take this video, I was farther up in the crowd, watching this brought back the memory, I remembered everything as I watched!! Most AMAZING show ever, and now I have a video to watch from it, YaY!! P.S. Most of the camra flashes are more likely from me, my cousin Missy, and our friend Branson, hahaha! X-DApocalyptica ft HIM and The Rasmus "Bittersweet" music video. I love this song!!
:-]Bobby Duque version of "Love Bug" by the Jonas Brothers:€
X-DTO READ CHADAM'S STORY GO is my new love! I love him, and his story sooo much!!And he also repersents one of the best bands alive, The Used!!If u like The Used and understand them, then u really need to go check out Chadam's story!! He was desined by the most awesome artist out there, Alex pardee. To see more of Alex's work go to or add him at: