Simon Taggart profile picture

Simon Taggart

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4 I'm just a singer/songwriter I suppose. All my music is acoustic and I play on my own most of the time. I'm not someone who's desperate for a bit of fame or on a mission to get signed or anything like that. I'm just playing when I feel like playing and writing when I feel inspired to. I've never really played in a band or been part of a group, myself and one other guitarist/singer is the most I've ever done. Though I'd definitely like to be in a band some day, there's just so many more options and much more depth in a band. But for the moment its just me.--------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------My songs are fairly self explanatory, they're honest and I like to think they're nice to listen to (even if they're not the happiest of songs!). I think they can make nice background music. I recorded these songs in Orion Recordings in Wicklow. I spent just a day in the studio and managed to get these four songs done. I hope you like them and cheers for listening.

My Interests


Member Since: 24/02/2006
Type of Label: Major