He would want to meet a girl with the things he likes... The one who he could tell her everything about his problems. The one who he would trust with anything. The one who he would kiss everyday just for the hell of it. The one were he could hug her and say "I love you baby." The one were they could be together and not stop talking about things. The one were he could hold her hand and walk down the street. The one were she could let him be himself. The one were she can say anything to him and feel alright about it. The one were he could be proud to say "Yeah, she's my girlfriend!" The one were she will run up to him and say "I love you too" The one were they would just have a hell of a time together. The one were they could lay on the grass and look at the stars until the sun came up. The one were they could do anything together, and it wouldn't bother either one of them what the others have said. The one were he could say "Good morning!" and "Good Night!" to every time. The one were she would never think about leaving him, nor would he. The one were he would say "You look beautiful!" even if she didn't have make-up on. The one were everything went perfect, even if one or the other made a mistake. The one were they would laugh at jokes, even if they wern't so funny. The one were all she had to do was look at him, and that would have made his day. The one were he would say "It took me a long time to realize this and I think I am starting to, but sometimes what you want isn't always what you get, but in the end what you get is sooo much better than what I wanted".
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