Sports of all to snorkle and dive....Music like alternative, country...what the hey...allllllll.......I love to play basketball and Bay Bucaneers....Florida Gators/North Carolina Tarheels.....
Hey.....nice to hear from alot of my GW(Navy) friends.....Janice, Keshia, Bobbie, J Scott and Stacy, Phil, Jodi, Tehla, Bridgette, Lori, Justin, Scerby and Froy, Emma and Especially Xena aka Beth.....Nice to have Leigh Ann as my new friend also....
a href="" target="_blank"OH!!! Go Gators...NATIONAL CHAMPIONS!!!!!!
In 2007, you will...
Hit on your best friend
'What is your sexual new years prediction?'
Interesting people of all ages...Met some interesting people and some assholes....Hate fake people that take advantage of you....Looking for for real friends....
I'd love to keep meeting people that served our great country whether it was for 2 or 20 years....
Nelly Furtado...damn girl!!....oh already did back in the "Fly like a bird" Days...Norva...
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All Music....
Remember the days at the NorVa in Norfolk, Va.....Met many groups of different Genere's....In to John Legend now.. cool video
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Anything comedy and action....With the right lady I'll watch a chick flick..... Nelly Furtado - Say It Right
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CSI Miami....Emily Proctor is soooo hot, NCIS, The Unit, ESPN....Who has time????
Bible....any Tom Clancy novel....Marine Sniper....any book of poetry...C.S. Lewis...Florida Statutes(boring)
My Father God.....My Daddy..he died the day after my birhtday in 2003 from lung cancer...smoking kills people.....My sea Daddy from the Navy Todd...My Mom...