Fast motorcycles, fast cars, fast girls, and big bad ass Harleys... But not all in that order right! I love playing pool and I think I was born with a stick in my hand. I have been playing pool ever sence I could see over the table and I'm a 3 time City Champion...I'm really into motorcycle drag racing and I race a "Top Gas 8:20" dragbike that has been 7:80's at over 170mph in the quarter mile... Yes, that is me on that white dragbike. A big dream of mine was to land a major sponcership and run NHRA Pro Stock Motorcycle. I love anything to get a rush, I love competition and I'm always up for a challange! I like anything that goes fast, any kind of racing. I'm also a big college football fan so "GO BUCKEYES"..."Top" Yep thats me on that white bike... A pic from this year at Norwalk Dragway...
"BOTTOM" Another pic from Norwalk Dragway. I love gettin crazy, doing big smokie burnouts and going really really fast.. "Ride it like ya stole it and never look back"
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New friends, interesting people who are always going forwards in life...
My Mom and Dad because if it were not for them I would not be who I am today.. I'de give anything to have them back.. God be with them.. R.I.P. I love ya...