Wow....I am definitely a variety girl! Some favorites include: arcade fire, james taylor, the shins, john lennon, the flaming lips, sigur ros, elton john, songs from musicals (especially les miserables), beck, the faint, the decemberists, the books, casting crowns, jerry wise, eric goodell, coldplay, ben folds, ben harper, explosions in the sky, neva dinova, joe strummer and the mescaleros, mae, sufjan stevens, simon & garfunkel, tilly and the wall, mercy me, delbert mcclinton, john hiatt, lindsey buckingham, and tons more!
I love movies, I watch them all the time....but I rarely can relate what I watched to its title. If i had to give you some of the would be Forrest Gump, Dirty Dancing, Top Gun, Life or Something Like It, Shawshank Redemption, The Princess Bride, Garden State, The Little Mermaid, Mary Poppins, Before Sunset/Sunrise, Amelie, A Very Long Engagement, Big, Nell, Field of Dreams, Punch Drunk Love, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and....more.
I don't know that I really have "a favorite," but I really liked A Time to Kill by John Grisham, and of course the Bible is right up there ;).