Inundate Me with ♥y GoodnessI only want liquid guys. Illiquidity implies commitment of some sort.
I ♥ internationalism, IR theory, and what not.
I hedge risks, and I hedge them well.
Eu me chamo "Sebastião". Obviamente eu falo algum português, mas a aprendizagem é muita fácil. Eu encanto dos homens brasileiros. Tenho 22 anos e eu sou muito bonito! :) Eu no sou feio e sou bobo às vezes!!! Às vezes??? P-SHA!!! Sempre eu sou b o b o !!! Eu gosto das coisas azuis e brancas . Também, gosto das pessoas amáveis, porque eu sou muito amável!
I like the word "duopoly". When I find the right gay friend, we will "duopolize" the men market.
Wenn du Deutsch sprechen kann, dann liebe ich dich schon. Ich kann das Deutsch verstehen, aber ich will, da ich das mit jemandem sprechen kann. Für mich das Reden und das Schreiben sind viele besser als das Sprechen und das Hören. Ich habe auf der registriert, aber die Männer sind sehr alt! Manchmal will ich nicht nach Deutschland zu gehen. Also, wenn du die Sprache verstehen kann, dann verschick mir hier eine eMail.
I LOVE to befriend men from all over the world
I taught myself French. I have been teaching myself German, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, and Italian.
An Evisceration (but not necessarily a metaphorical seppuku):Mizeke DuPrès : Steven Smith : : Anastasia Beaverhausen : Karen Walker. As a high-schooler, I was deluded…and then some: I thought that my gayness was a secret known exclusively to those whom I had told directly—and, parsimoniously investing in people, I had only told a handful of people. Looking back on that, how mortifying. Post high-school, I underwent an autoschediastic “glasnostâ€, if you will. My senior year, I was intransigently pro-Bush…and Republican. However, after his first term, I was thrust into the realm of indifference…even if I did spew out what iota of support I had still had for him at the time. I do not chastise myself for what I felt in the past; I just ask, “What have you done, Bush? …and where are you going?†Also, since I have become hella liberal SOCIALLY—and glorifying personal liberties—I have been proselytized by—and have befriended—Libertarianism (well, save my tenaciously pro-gun control and anti-abortion stances: since Hitler, Shaq, and Kobe weren’t aborted, no other life conceived should be). I am not economically rational, at least in regards to money. I continuously harpoon the rule of transitivity. I also break through my drastically imploding “budget lineâ€â€”as in p1x1+p2x2+…m| m=0, which would explain my indebtedness. [SAD.] Fourth year (last year), I lost my alcoholic virginity to, I believe, a margarita. Contrary to the opinion of a given pentumvirate, said margarita-drink did not disequilibrate me. However, I have met and very much embraced Tipsy Me. The closest I have ever come to being thoroughly pixilated was last Saturday night in Shoreland; perhaps a drop or two more of anything would have sent me sprinting over that threshold. I have learned that I am much more emotionally premiated when investing in people when they are disequilibrated (as opposed to when they are “in equilibriumâ€). Then again, who is ever really “in equilibriumâ€?? It is always amusing, too, when some people are barratrous when smashingly “boozifiedâ€. My favorite alcoholic drinks are Smirnoff Ice, Smirnoff Green Apple, and MOJITOS (only Joseph’s, though). Prurient am I, to say the least. In terms of preference, Bisexual Guys Gay Guys. I’d have plenarily and unreluctantly enslaved myself to Alexander the Great, totally consenting to his allicient seduction. Sadly, I am acquainted with only a few bisexual men, but only one of them is an asshole. Fortunately, I shat him out of my life…and my Facebook account (he’s graduating this year anyway). I used to be infatuated with the sight of a certain Norwegian prince who used to pulchrify an otherwise discombobulatingly downtrodden campus in my eyes. He was my only crush at the University. Salaciously speaking, I would be Africa to a guy’s “colonial Europeâ€â€”or, Nanking to a guy’s “Imperial Japanâ€. I hope none of my Asian friends hate me for that. Foreign guys are HOT: their heterochthonous-ness makes them so. Ideally, there is an inverse relationship between hotness and English-speaking skills. My life used to be one big phantasmagoria…but now, it seems like a still-life, with spurts of gradated motions in the interstices. Brea and Stacey are my best friends at the U of C. That was just a shout-out. I want Tony Jaa like whoa…but only as the peasant boy Ting that he is in Ong-Bak. The inexsuperable Muay Thai super powers that he has are required as part of the package. Maybe I should have applied to be a tutelary of the English language in Thailand. I *covet* languages, ever since I was ensorcelled by the Spanish language. From my immersion in the Spanish language, my fascination has just pullulated and metastasized to French, German, Japanese, Portuguese, Korean, &c. I gormandize Web sites and PDF files about languages. Ever since I had little kiddie books about Latin America, I was enamoured with it; then came Europe, then came…Japan. Like everyone else, I ♥ Brazil, especially its male constituency. Peruse my LiveJournal or Xanga accounts to read about the quagmires and/or dormancies of my life…though I am more faithful to the former account. I miss my best friend…he’s in Ohio right now. Sad face + eight trillion. There are two people I’ve hated before—one from high school, one from college; now, I like to think that I’m (cool perhaps?) with both of them. I gallivant…and am sometimes caught in flagrante delicto. Other times, I talketh shit…and am sometimes caught in flagrante delicto (oftimes, however, a “fiduciary†goes and pulls a Judas, synapsing with others…and shit would propagate down the line, and through the network). At other times, I glorify and fastasize from afar…and may still be being caught in flagrante delicto (unbeknownst to me). Harpooned-in-the-heart. I am a cauldron of permutations…but I’m mostly a pusillanimous-obvoluted-with-intrepid creature, cautious of having my contretemps bite me in the ass (and having my amygdala harpagon’d and pulverized to poo).
I dispose of the sheet of paper towel hanging out of the dispenser in public bathrooms.
I once received a bill for $13,000 for unreturned library books.
I like House, Trance, Techno, and many other genres of music...just like every other plotzing gay man.
I only make out with liberals. That is, I must be the conservative one.
I am a Condemned Glutton who weighs 110 lbs.
I used to work at Abercrombie & Fitch...until they were forced to have lower standards.
I own MTV's Real World's Landon.
NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING, is hotter than encountering a flooringly-hot guy who is into me AND any of my girl friends by whom I may be accompanied. SHIT(!) would that be HOT!!!
I turn AIM's "Time Online" into a competition.
I was publicized in the U of Chicago's newspaper for my Facebook profile.
♥ ♥
Bisexuality DOES exist...and the fuckers are hot.
I am Miho from Sin City.
I am a homosexual fag-hag.
You're bitch.
What swear word are you?
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