About Me
Well I was born in Cheltenham in 82 and I suppose this is where I grew up. My Dad was a DJ and still is, oh and he also played bass and a bit of guitar.
I got bored of school quick, I started teaching myself guitar when I was about 13. I started writing my own songs, most of which sounded like bad Nirvana rip offs or The Kinks. My fist song was called "Poor Kurt" Ha Awful! Most people in bands will tell you that they can’t pigeon hole their music when asked what it sounds like and to be honest I can’t really either. Don't see the relevance in the question and couldn't if I tried.
I really have no memory before 13 but I kinda remember the first song I heard was Michael Jackson’s Billie Jean, like most kids at the time I danced along whilst screaming. It wasn’t long before other stuff came creeping along. I started to discover Motown, Stevie Wonder, The Beatles, The Doors and then later Blur, Supergrass and Jeff Buckley, then Ryan Adams.
I spent all my teens playing gigs and putting together bands with my mates until I decided to stay on my own. After many painful years of playing as many shows as I could get, I signed a publishing deal with Chrysalis Music Publishing after a weird show in London, in which my guitar neck snapped in half during the most important song. I then spent a many years touring the country in dives and in living rooms everywhere, doing living room tours as well as working many awful jobs and sitting in my bedroom trying to write better songs. Hiding out at home, writing and improving these songs that I felt would make up the bulk of my first record.
After doing this for about two more years I signed a record deal with RCA/Sony Records and started recording my debut album. I am now coming to the end of recording it and I just cannot wait for it to be heard as I am very proud of it and believe in the songs and the record. So until my record is released please feel free to listen to these scratchy demos on here. Most of which are songs I am writing daily and uploading strait up. Which is one of the great things about the land of Online.
So Please Leave your comments, Subscribe to my Blogs and most of all, Try to make a show as that is where I really feel at home.
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My Blog
Lottery Winner Buys The Moon 22.06.09
Well monday has arrived again. Optimistic and wide eyed like a hungry cat and I have a thousand things to do. But as many of you who work for yourself may know, getting round to any of these things is...
Posted by on Mon, 22 Jun 2009 02:46:00 GMT
Dog Days 19.06.09
Just sat waiting for my computer to eat itself, I think there are files with wings floating above my head as I type this as I am bluetoothing loads of logic demos over from one to the other.Am now reg...
Posted by on Fri, 19 Jun 2009 04:41:00 GMT
The First Waltz 15.06.09
Hey,Just a quick update as to where things are in my land.Band-All the auditions went really well. All the musicians were great which made making a decision very hard but I am proud to say I have a v...
Posted by on Mon, 15 Jun 2009 05:38:00 GMT
Floating Heads / 07.06.09
HiYa,Thanks so much for reading my blog again, it's been a while so it's good to see I still have some floating head friends willing to subscribe to my gabble.Good weekend, I brought something wonderf...
Posted by on Sat, 06 Jun 2009 16:15:00 GMT
Babies / 06.06.09
Well Hello (all three of you)Yes it's official, I went through a weird depressive time in which blogging made me feel like a sad kangaroo in burmuda shorts, but now I am full of chocolate beans and re...
Posted by on Fri, 05 Jun 2009 18:49:00 GMT
02.04.09 / End Of The First Half
Hi,Just to say thanks for follow things this far, this is a new start from now on so stay tuned.enjoy new songs and see you all soon.c x
Posted by on Thu, 02 Apr 2009 11:00:00 GMT
17.03.09 / Tuesday First Edition
to view blog please click here: tuesday first edition
Posted by on Tue, 17 Mar 2009 04:32:00 GMT
16.03.09 / Lighthouse
I really have nothing of any use to say.The Lighthouse - Sorry seems to get the best of me.Lately Im dying in your arms.Slowly distance tears our love apart.So tonight Ill be sleeping in the lightho...
Posted by on Mon, 16 Mar 2009 04:15:00 GMT
15.03.09 / Look At Your Speakers When Listening
to view blog go to: look at your speakers when listening
Posted by on Sun, 15 Mar 2009 11:12:00 GMT
14.03.09 / Car Hunting
to view blog click here: Car Hunting
Posted by on Sat, 14 Mar 2009 10:50:00 GMT