Is an aspiring environmentalist and an active member of the Australian Conservation Foundation.
Lives through music and movies.
Constantly on my mobile phone.
Jimmy Rowes on Friday nights(L)
Has 2 bestfriends who she loves more than life.
I over think everything.
Tries not to hate people, but finds herself doing it more regularly.
I dont take compliments, or insults, that well.
I dont like talking while i watch TV.
Family Guy, Scrubs and Sex and the City make me happy.
Has no time nor respect for people who do not have time or respect for me.
One person has made me who i am, you can thank AND blame them.
My little brothers are more like friends.
Enjoys 'me time', constantly.
Has a hoody with my name on it.
Can be jealous, although it doesnt last long.
Giggles at nearly everything.
Can be serious, you just need to ask.
Wanting to get a tattoo in the near future.
Would deffinately prefer 2 bestfriends over 100 buddies.
Isn't a homophobe.
Gets butterflies very easily, its almost constant.
Thinks you should add me to msn.
Aparently, I give off a 'is always nice to everyone' vibe. This is true to an extent. I will be nice to you, unless you piss me off. When this happens, you will be sorry. When I fight, I don't use my fists, I use my words, and trust me (or a couple of people I've made cry) it stings when I start abusing. Its very rare that I go that far, but be warned. I hold grudges. My bestfriend told me I take to much shit, and that I need to learn to fight back. Yeah, its safe to say, he created a monster. =)
[email protected]
Mathew - will always be my bestfriend. He means more to me than anyone else on the planet. Matt has always been there for me through thick and thin. Regardless of what ever happens with our friendship I know that we will always come out on top of things. With our feet on the ground and our fists in the sky. We are as thick as thieves and I appreciate everything he has ever done for me. Love you biff!
Aidan Cusack - means the world to me. Without him i would have gone insane a long long time ago. This boy has always been there for me, whether i liked it or not. He is the first person to put his hand up to listen to my problems, infact, he is basically the only person. We have had ups and downs, but i will always want this kid in my life. I have known him for around 2 years now and i honestly can remember the day i met him. Me and Emily wrote on his black box. Aidan is my rock and my support blanket and i am thankful for everything he has ever done for me. Love you Cusack!