I love to listen to music, and watch movies, and hang out with the kind of people that you never seem to get sick of. I like to go down water slides, but I hate swimming. I love flying, but I don't like fish. I like to decorate- and paint, even though I don't do it as much as I'd like you. I like to go on trips with the people I love, and spend money that I really don't have. I love deep conversation, the kind that make you feel better when you're done. I like to be in love, although it would be hard for me to tell you what thats like since its been so long. I like to be 'emo' it always makes me feel better, I am the most emotional person that I know. My feelings get hurt easily, but I also realize just as easily how I'm being over emotional, and I get over it. I never hold grudges... not even when I should. I'm horrible explaining my feelings, but great at explaining everyone else's. I'm also good at seeing what is good for other people, but not what is good for me. I love giant jesus', they make me happy. I want to learn another language, but I'm horrible at it. I want to learn to play bass guitar, but I'm just as bad at that. I love people, I'm a people enjoyer. To me everyone is beautiful... If everyone isn't, than no one is. I like people who know how they feel about things. Who always have their opinion waiting, just in case you ask it, and sometimes even when you don't ask it. I'm a girl, and I hate when people forget that-- in other words... I have girly feelings, I will do girly things-- even if you think of me as one of the guys. I remember everything. I sometimes wish I didnt because then I could hear the same thing like 80 times and it would never get old. I like getting dressed up, even though I rarely like the places that I'm ultimately going. I want to donate my body to science, but only if its to a good kind of science, although i find that being an organ donor is the best thing you can be. I like to volunteer, it makes me feel good. I like giving blood, but I have tiny veins so its usually hard for me to do. I wish I was shorter, but I hate when my (girl) friends are taller than me. I like people who are honest, but I've come to find than no one is honest 100% of the time, and I like that. I'm crazy, and a bad speller, and I talk to fast, and I have a weak stomach, and I like to ride bikes, and i wanna make out in the rain, at a park maybe, and I want to have kids- I think that is my calling, and I want to go to Texas again, but probably not until GWB is out of office, because I had to eat in the same place as him last time. I'm totally for stem cell research, and I don't believe in the death penalty. I wanna be president some day, but i dont wanna be in the military, so I guess thats out of the question, although maybe I could be come an actor and thatll help.... hm. its worth a shot.
I'd like to meet? What kind of open ended question is that. I'd like to meet George Bush, so I can kick him in his balls and tell him that he's the biggest f*ck up that has ever existed. I'd like to meet Kirsten Dunst. She is like the freaking hottest girl ever, shes like the only girl I'd ever do, Ha. I'd like to meet god. This is of course assuming that there is a god, which as of now I'm about 99.99999& sure there isn't, sorry if that offends anyone, but I can't ever remember believing in god...
I decided that there isnt really any music that i dont like. I mean sometimes ill hear something and i wont like it, but eventually it gets stuck in my head, and it becomes catchy. I listen to things now that if you were to ask me like 2 months ago if I liked id probably laugh at you. I really like music that you can just read the lyrics and know how they felt when they wrote them, the kind of music you can relate to. I need to go to a concert soon, I havent been to a real concert in forever. I decided that I never wanna meet any band/group/artist.... it will destroy the mystery.
I like MTV, and I'm a reality show whore. I also like House a lot, even though I always am busy when its on, and I still cant figure out where that chicks from, ill have to look it up on IMDB when I'm done with this. I hate the news, its so fake. I like made for TV movies, they always suck in that good way. I like some cartoons, although I also hate some... I used to be obsessed with GSN, but now its kind of lame... and I love my DVR.
I read. All the time. Just for fun.
Its hard to say who's my hero. It changed from day to day. Everyone is a hero from time to time, and everyone amazes me from time to time. It's all about how you decide to conduct your life I guess.