God, Basketball, Family ,Jordans, Women, Phrat life, Good music, football,parties,good movies, guns,and cars
...::About Me::...
Full Name: Clarke Jackson
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Height: 6"5
Shoe Size: 12 or 13
Ring Size: I dunno
Heritage: African America and French
Graduating Year: Spring 2009
Birthdate: December 17, 1986
Zodiac Sign: Sagitarius
Concert: Lil Wayne
Best Friend: Detrick, Gabe, Jay, Beezy, Tyrone , Cherie
Sport: Basketball
...::Have You Ever::...
Sky Dived: Hell nah
Bungee Jumped: Hell nah
Gone out of the Country: Yeah Italy
Beaten Someone Up: Yeah
Gotten Beat Up: Yeah
Killed an Animal: Yeah insects
Swam in the Ocean: Yeah
Broke the Law: Hell Yeah
Smoked: Nah
Chewed Tobacco: Hell nah
Drank: Hell yeah like a fish
Been Kissed: Yeah
Been In Love: Yeah
Dumped Someone: Yeah
Been Dumped: Yeah
Broken Someone's heart: Prolly so
Had Your Heart Broken: To many times
Liked Someone Who Didn't Like You Back: Yeah
Broken A Bone: Yeah
Had Surgery: Yeah
Had an X-ray or MRI: Yeah
Failed a Class: Yeah
Color: Black and Gold
Food: Seafood
Drink: Gatorade or Hawain Punch
Snack: Chips
Cereal: Pops
Ice Cream: Vanilla
Candy: Too many to choose
Restaurant: Copelands
Fast Food Place: Burger King
Store: Nike
Animal: Apes
Quote: It could be worse
Sport To Play: Basketball
Sport To Watch: Basketball
Movie: Paid in Full
TV Show: Martin, jamie foxx and bondocks
Type Of Music: Rap and R&B
Band: i dunno
Singer: LiL wayne
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
Vanilla or Chocolate: Vanilla
Cake or Ice Cream: Ice Cream
McDonalds or Burger King: Burger King
Love or Money: Love and Money
Music or TV: Music
Cat or Dog: Dog
Mom or Dad: Mom
Truck or Car: Truck
Ocean or Lake: ocean
Yahoo or Hotmail: Yahoo
Google or AJ: Google
Light or Dark: Dark
Country or City: City
Rain or Sunshine: Sunshine
...::The Opposite Sex::...
First Thing You Notice: face
Personality or Looks: both
Hair Color: whatever looks good on them
Eye Color: Brown
Short or Tall: depends
Romanic or Spontaneous: a lil of both
Sense of Humor or Sweet: both
Hook up or Relationship: Relationship
Feeling: Straight
Listening To: LIL wayne crank that weezy wee
Wanna: Hoop
Doing Besides Typing: talkin on tha phone
Thinking About: nothin
Wearing: Basketball shorts and a Beater
In Love: no
Single: yeah
Best Friends: Detrick, Gabe, Jay, Beezy, Tyrone , Cherie
...::The Future::...
Career: Ball Player
Marriage: one day
Kids: yeah love kids
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