The History Of Grapes, Oranges and Lights:
Starting back in the cold winters of 2005 an idea sparked in the minds of Gerald "Pubes" Held, and Sawyer "Doy" Fox. But lets back up. It was around 6 PM on a late thursday evening in the later days of December 2005. A giant Gatorade bottle was in the fridge and was un-opened. Pubes decided it was for him but asked Doy "PARA ME?" the night grew later and Pubes and Doy were outside banging the gatorade bottle and many other things. It was at this time the band was born. They quickly wrote thier first two songs "PARA DOY DOY, and Chica Choo". Little did they know this was the begining of a beutiful thing.--
--As the week went on they began recording other songs such as "Doot Doot" and "Beeeeep Beeeeeep"--
--But something was still missing. A third member was added to the band in early January by the name of Zack "Choch" Graham. He was an instant sucess with the band helping them complete thier first album with such hits as "Tifa Tifa" and "GOAL"--
--Then one hot day on a hike. an idea sparked for a new album "F-For-Fupa" It was recored in only a week and was an instant sucess. It had singles such as "F for Fupa" "Da Holla" and "Turtle Sex"--
--And then came "Thier Greatest Album Yet" Chodie Mom. It is a filled with great songs such as. "Chodie Mom" "Bobby Kahn" "I Fucked Yo Mamma" and Many more.--