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About Me

hi, im rachelle
im going to be working at Camp Ondessonk. the most amazing place in the world for at least half the summer -- no cell or internet except on saturdays. getting mail is better than christmas so write me everyday!! i'll miss you all =]
make sure you put the name "Shortz" and the word "Staff" on the letter or I may not get it. xx
Rachelle Allen (Shortz) - STAFF
Camp Ondessonk
3760 Ondessonk Road
Ozark, IL 62972

My Interests



My Heros (in no special order)
My mom is so great. She tries so hard for me and my brothers and even though we disagree about a lot of things shes always there for me. I love her so much. She's a lot of fun to joke around with, but sometimes she gets on my nerves, like everyone's mom does. Like Brian pointed out one day, we argue like sisters. We sometimes get into wrestling matches on the kitchen floor (dont ask) or she'll almost kill me while i'm screaming in anger then once she sees my tears she'll jump up and proclaim she thought I was laughing. We're business partners and best friends. She defends me and accepts me, and I love her for that.
If my mother wasnt my mother, eleanor would be =] This lady is amazing. shes exactly like me but she just might be cooler. we do so much crap to each other isnt not even funny. Even though shes technically an adult, eleanor is one of my best friends and i love her to death.She's been through so much shit this past year. I don't knowhow she's stayed standing this long. She's strong and I admire the hell out of her.
Dear reader, I couldnt tell you why we are best friends, because you wouldnt understand. the exlpaination is too full of inside jokes and made up words...its too much care and way too many tears, to many laughs and too many blonde moments..i dont think i will ever be able to give you a better reason except...shes always been there. i met lauren...4 years ago? i dont even remember. anyways ive gotten to really know her in the past 2 years. No shes not a internet stalker. People always ask who has the other half of my best friend necklace and im not ashamed to tell them its someone very special who i love. I only wish she was closer so i could hug her whenever i wanted to
Penguin Butt
This is my beloved Penguin Butt. Soon, very soon, we will hug for the first time ever. We will play guitar hero together and make silly faces. we will take a million pictures and video tape stuff. Thats really I have to say. I love her so much, words cannot explain it!! RaWr.
Chynna!!! AH wow shes my best friend. we make "special" brownies together :] Chynna is crazy and fun and just the best friend ever. Ive known her since kindergarden but didnt really become friends with her until 4th grade. We became really close in the 6th and 7th grade and now shes my bestest buddy. Our relationhip is so weird isnt not even funny. We have the most twisted inside jokes. wow. Pizza. dont even get me started. *in a forest gump accent* and thats all i have to say about that
This is Austin Bigge. Little Bigge. Bigge. Austi. Austin Baby. Or just Austin. Whatever the hell you call him, he's one of my best friends these days. This boy is living proof that people can change and everyone deserves a second chance. We both like riding horses and going to local shows [not horse shows]. He's got some pretty amazing hair, I'm not going to lie. He's a candy coated yellow pill. We think a lot alike and he's smart. Down to earth. Last year if you would have mentioned to me I would have only laughed and shook my head. Now I smile. It's funny how things work out. I love this kid =]
I miss this kid.
We have matching scars
This is maddie. we are probably distantly (very distantly) related...or maybe we were sisters in a former life. I dont know. But shes awesome. Ive known her for...um...6..7..years? I lost count. Anyways shes great. We've gone through so much shit together I cant even begin to count everything. Ive watched this girl change so much over the years shes not even the same person she was. When we were younger we collected model horses. we'd play with them for hours together. now we're older but we still act like two little kids who are best friends. I know for a fact that our friendship can make it through ANYTHING. Nothing can tear us apart, not even ex boyfriends or being separated for long periods of time or..anything. She's the bestest ever. She's moving on to bigger and much better things, and I'm not ready for it. I feel like an over dramatic mother, but it's true. We've gone our own ways; the ways that suit us best and I know she's moving on, but then again she isn't. We'll still be best friends at heart no matter what.
Kenny is well...a cowboy. Sorta. He'd like to think he's a cowboy, when really the REAL word for him is redneck, but we'll let him thing he's a cowboy. He's getting there at least....he's a good horse rider and my horse Marshall is in love with him. Kenny is my hero because he bought a huge blue foam cowboy hat and wore it in public with me while i wore a big fuzzy hat. It was amazing. Plus we thing alot alike and even though sometimes he does stupid things, he's been a great guy to me.
Sarah. aka beaver. Wow this girl is the best. She is so easy to talk to and makes me laugh all the time. ive known her for 3 years now and we met in the most amazing place on earth. camp!!! So yea shes pretty incredible. Shes always helping me out when my moms being mean and her and eleanor get along perfectly. My favorite memory has to be watching the lightning storm with her in shawnee, then getting our tent flooded so we had to sleep in the truck and ended up not sleeping at all and watching the sun rise. It felt like hell at the time because we were soo effing tired but now its a great memory. I love you Sarah. You are going to move i with me. We will live in the basement and we'll have a bunkbed, strobe lights, black lights and we will dance in our underwear to techno music. That didnt sound gay at all did it? =]
This is Carolyn Orth. Stephs mom!! She's amazing. I don't remember when I first started talking to her and stuff but I love her. She's amazing. I can talk to her like I can't even talk to my own mother. I'm going to move in with the Orths. This lady is special so be nice to her, or I will hurt you.
This is Samuel Lee. I've known him for 10 years. He's not retarded at all...*sarcasim*. All we do is make fun of each other, laugh and talk about nasty things. He's annoying and doesnt know when to shut up sometimes. =] But I like this kid so I put up with him. He's great. In 1st grade we had a pet fly. We used to hate each other. . .Then for some reason we stopped hating each other last year and now we're really good friends. Sam gets on my nerves ALOT. I'm mad at him 50% of the time, but thats ok. He's my hero because he lets me straighten his hair.
STEPH! I call her Klitzy. She is my warhead and my misteress. I met her February 4th. I think the first memorable thing she said to me was "Can i give you a hug?" Of course the first real thing she said was "Hi" but thats not important. I thought she was a freshman when I met her. She acts way older than she is. She's on of my best friends. She's always there for me. She came got me when I needed help. We both are in love with peeps. We like to watch random guys steal teaffic cones and wave at old ladies on Washington...then watch them flip us off. Loraine is the best place to hang out at, just because...idk. It's magical there I think. We like to go to Wired and act silly. Halloween was fun. screw trick or treating. We wanted to sit on the sidealk. She always makes me feel special. We take pretty pictures together and she deserves good loyal friends and nothing else. I love her so effing much.
My cousin dustin marshall vancamp. We had tons in common, and I didn't even know how much until afterward. I miss him soo much. I think about him everyday. Hes the reason I am nocternal and I love him. RIP Dustin
This is Liz. She short like me!! But thats not the only reason she's on my hero's list. Liz is one of my best friends. She's the one I go to if need advice or need to vent. She listens. She knows a lot about a lot of stuff and she's the most sensible, down to earth girl I know. She's crazy and likes to dance and she makes amazing brownies. She's so pretty and beautiful on the inside and on the outside. She has a lot of the same values as me, so when people think I'm too hard on myself or expect too much out of people, I can go to her and know she understands. Liz is so great. I love you!!!
You guys, I had such anamazing time. From the first day to the last tearful goodbye. Times at the barn with Kelsey and Lauren and the rest of the staff were the best of my life. I would wait until Annie and Amy began screaming at the top of their loungs on the catwalks for us to wake up so I could get up and have the time of my life. From our all day hike, climbin Packentuck SPIDER MONKEY!, and peeing off the falls, to our overnight on top of the grotto, to our dreaded tests and everyone passing with flying colors, to being against each other in the marathon and DANILE WINNING (haha sorry), to the golden arrowhead, to the last picture we all took together and us saying goodbye while Devon sang JUMP JUMP JUMP LITTLE FROGGIE at the top of her lung, and me almost wetting myself from laughing and crying at the same time. I miss you all like crap and you better be at the Lodge Reunion or I will murder you. I love you all!!!
Other Heros Include....Jval, Bill Tatum, Kate B, Jared, Annie Rose, Ricky, Poc, Nikki, Rusty Parker, Carrie Birge, Texas, Kate Nelson, Evan Coulson, Jeff Pray, Munstermen, Brian Gentry, Jacob, Stagg, Katie, and Veronica.
Everyone on this list has various and mostly funny stories behind my reasoning for putting their names down here .

My Blog

Natural Highs

1. Falling in love.2. Laughing so hard your face hurts.3. A hot shower.4. No lines at the supermarket.5. A special glance.6. Getting mail.7. Taking a drive on a pretty road.8. Hearing your favorite so...
Posted by rachelle! on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 01:09:00 PST

I Believe....

I believe...   That our background, and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become.   That no matter how good a friend is, they're going to hurt y...
Posted by rachelle! on Sat, 05 May 2007 11:19:00 PST

Odds n Ends

One of my many to-do Lists =]   ONE. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully. TWO. Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, theirconversational skills will be as im...
Posted by rachelle! on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 08:43:00 PST

Spring Break 2007 && Hurricane Katrina, 2 Years Later. -- Slideshow

Posted by rachelle! on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 09:02:00 PST


this isnt new, but i need to put it up here so i dont lose it xD         best day EVER Wendnsday June 21st 2006   The most amazing day I have ever had!!! (it was a camp of cou...
Posted by rachelle! on Sat, 03 Feb 2007 01:21:00 PST

Hot tubs and Poems

So last night was the hot tub party and it was a m a z i n g. I dont have anything else to say except that.     Ok, here's the poem I like. I found it in the book I am reading which is amaz...
Posted by rachelle! on Sat, 13 Jan 2007 02:55:00 PST