bad parents -- abort yourselves
kids these days -- uppercut to your wise-ass face
guys who wear girl's pants -- that's how emo guys hit those high notes
people who drive fast & expensive cars too slowly -- i drive a kia - catch up
flambouyant heteros -- wow, great conquests, we still don't love you and neither do your parents
flambouyant gays -- yes, i see..you're gay. congrats
buff short guys -- everyone knows why you keep lifting, you're not fooling us
people lazier than me -- get moving, slob
fundamentalists of any religion -- get a grip on reality
racists -- stop making excuses for why your life sucks
and plenty more
I'm the best kisser in the world. My grandma still comes to my house and pretends it's her birthday. And my girlfriend is only with me cause I'm so good at it. That, or cause I'm nice or something....but I think it's the previous. Things That Rock
The NY Yankees | Bruce Lee | Paul O'Neill | The "Burger King" King | Classic Rock | Me | Snakes | Ninjas | Big Dogs | Mountains | Tobasco Sauce | Muscle Cars | Mugsy Bogues | Wolverine | Spawn | The Punisher | Family Guy
My old ass webpage: "iMOB"