fun---mountain biking--rock climbing-kayaking-snowboarding-swiming-da beach-lifting-running-raquetball-xtreme frisbee-xtreme dominos-beer pong crazy sick ass gear that i need to survive-cooking-eating-dancing--olympic games--yelling-using the race card every chance i can get-ahh just make a dam scene to get the white man all scared and shit for what he is still gonna win and i am gonna lose ahh ahh then i laugh it up and walk away or just runnnnnnn awwwwwaayyyyyy----
some kick as people who can drink and function---ride a bike, snowboard, rock climb, kayak, do homework--nahh just kidding for those who are really reading, talk on da phone (5 minute limit), dance, cook, but do not drive drunk stupid move. but i like to introduce peeps to shit that im up on so i can have massive amounts of laughs when we all look at crazy killa pictures.... ahhh photos are my memories ahahhah...It is great to meet peeps who got their shit going for them--education-job-car-$-and ready to get wild for da nite--i haven't lived with mommy and daddy since i was 17 so i dont care if you still do---got damit grow up and be responsible and drink life up in da big cup....I dont want no drama--im honest and shit dont fake da funk on da nasty dunk--keep it real and ride out into the sun with a smile and a beer...... catch my on aim when i'm on SCOOBAWOL
hell yeah a lot of it i need to shake my ass and feel her ass shake oh yeah oh hell yeah---heres a taste of music dancing--friends and fun
army movies-forrest gump---spike lee- da beach- groove- dead presidents--ahh action/death and a good soundtrack----oh yeah--no love shit
if its not sports ---shit go out and do something get out--
no thanks --take pics of me and pay me to be in a book. shit ill do it for free--
Military---and guns-and shit like that--well things can change