(: Aussie :) profile picture

(: Aussie :)

This is right, right?

About Me

I have a wonderful job, (although my mom hates it) and an education. I am living back at home with my family right now after 5 years of being out on my own. I hate it and can't wait to have my own place again...Shootin for this fall! After my 2.5 year relationship came to an abrupt end, which even though it took me forever to get over, I realize is the best thing that could have happened--and it makes me realize more and more everyday that everything really does happen for some reason. The ONLY reason I even mention that is because I just don't think anyone truly understands what I mean by everything really does happen for a reason.Lots of people talk about me, and apparently I live a pretty interesting life. It seems like people jump to conclusions and make things up as they go, People lie and stretch the truth and there are even people that actually have no idea about what's even going on, however try to play the little gossip game too. From what I gather there are actually people out there that gain satisfaction of making other people absolutley miserable. Those people suck. It's not nearly as bad as it used to be though as far as ME personally, and that's because I don't care anymore. There are other issues in my life that need more attention than some petty gossip that has been created by some person who means absolutley nothing to me and never will. What bothers me is when these sort of things affect friendships or add stress to certain things, like my relationship, and or I am doing in my life to make myself happy. That's a whole different issue and I can only hope that eventually it will work itself out.I'm not a very deep person, that sort of stuff just confuses me. I need it cut and dry. I hate Indiana, but love being a "Region Rat", nobody understands it except for the Rats. Ya heard me? :) I would love to move away, but I could never ever leave my parents side as crazy as they make me. I love it when people tell me things they have read on my page b/c then I know they paid attention but I HATE it when certain people visit my page every single day or every other day numerous times. You aren't doing it because you are genuinley interested in what's going on, you are being nosey about what is going on with my relationship. Waiting to get something real juicy off mine or his page. I'm not stupid and I know you don't take "us" serious. I don't need YOU to do that, beacause you mean nothing to me. It's not about everyone else, it's ALL about US. But I should make my page private then right? Nope. Not gonna do it. I absolutley adore my friends, but hate the drama they bring me. I have enough of my own, but I know what it's like to NEED someone to talk to or just to listen. I have aquired alot of new friends and aquaintances over the past year and have expierienced alot of interesting times. Some more interesting than others. I listen alot, and don't really have much to say until it's time to say it. Unfortunatly sometimes I say the wrong thing. I tend to get mad easy and when I do I look out for no ones feelings but my own. If I know what will hurt, or make one upset I go directly for it and I go full force. That is bad and it has even made me earn the label of "mean". I don't feel I'm mean, I just think people are too sensitive. That's a problem and I try my best every single day to work on it. It's getting better. It doesn't help for me to count to ten...I have to go to about 45-50 :) I have faith in myself that I can be a better person as far as that goes though. I can count on one hand the people I actually trust and the ones that I know would be there for me. I don't know who I would call at 3AM with a flat tire, except for maybe 3 people. This isn't my first rodeo, so I KNOW how this life works...you have to keep your friends close and your enemies even closer. That's no shit. Save yourself the time and effort of trying to figure out if I am bad news or not. Whether I am or not.... it doesn't affect you. I am. there--- does that make it easier for you? It's what you are going to think anyways...As long as my love knows better that's all that matters to me. I only dislike a few people, I don't really "hate" anyone. I can think of maybe 3 or 4 people that I would never loose a wink of sleep over if I never came into contact with again. And that's fine, b/c I can only assume the feeling is mutual. It's actually be made quite clear that's how it may be forever, and if that's so..well, SO be it. My name is not Sarah, and I have someone that means more to me than any other guy at the bar. I'm aware of the game that guys play to see who can get into who's pants the quickest, and I don't want to have anything to do with it. Honestly, I'm in a man's world (because of my job) and I learn almost daily some new technique that can be used in order to try to get me to fall for "it". Keep trying, I'm ten steps ahead of ya. I love to go out and be social, and I like to be around lots and lots of people. When I am out, that is that. With my line of work, it's very important to keep work and social life seperate and all my friends know that. I get a little obnoxious when I drink too much, and I only smoke when I am "buzzed". It makes me feel awful the next day though even if I only have one, so I really am trying hard not to do it at all. Alot of times it doesn't work out so well for me. No one let's me, so then I have to try to be sneaky about it and hide and I usually just give up. I'm a drink (alcohol or non alcohol) thief and I LOVE cheeseburgers. Which is why I have gained 9 pounds in 7 months :) 109 to this date. I'm ok with that. I have a really bad tendency to not return phone calls, and I never ever check my voicemail. Ever. I hate illegal immigrants. They piss me right the hell off and I can go on for hours about the entire situation. They are a disgrace to this country and have no right to benefit from what we as American's have fought for and deserve. I think King Bush is an idiot when it comes to such an important issue, and he is the reason we have as many problems in this country as we do when it comes to illegals being able to come here with no consequences or punishment. He would rather legalize than criminalize the thiefs and non law abiding illegals that come here and give them things like "driving certificates" and free college education to put and extra five grand in the US's pocket. We don't need the money, we need our country back. I could go on about it in depth for hours. I'm not against immigration, I'm against ILLEGAL immigration. Anyways, I have made some HUGE mistakes in my life and have many regrets that I have learned from, and will continue to learn from. I don't believe that there is one person out there that hasn't done SOMETHING they haven't regreted.
Dating & Relationship Advice
MySpace Layouts

My Interests



Cool Hand LukeA League of Their OwnThelma and LouiseGirl InteruptedMonsters Inc.Any and all Disney Pixar moviesMr. and Mrs. SmithLifeCon AirGone in 60 Seconds

My Blog

So...it was brought to my attention...

Well, well, well.... so it was brought to my attention in the most loving concern that there is a slight possibility that my "about me" section could be giving off the wrong -- impression -- for lack ...
Posted by (: Aussie :) on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 06:05:00 PST

Revised miranda Rights...

Look, you're under arrest and...1. Nope, I don't care who you are,2. No, I really don't care who you know,3. Yes, you DO pay my salary, thanks!4. Yes, you CAN have my job if you REALLY want it,5. No, ...
Posted by (: Aussie :) on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 03:42:00 PST

Short, sweet, and true

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down, probably will. You will have your heart broken -- probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll...
Posted by (: Aussie :) on Sat, 26 Aug 2006 07:11:00 PST


Maybe God wanted us to meet the wrong people before meeting the right one so that, when we finally meet the right person, we will know how to be grateful for that gift. Maybe...when the door of happin...
Posted by (: Aussie :) on Mon, 27 Mar 2006 07:23:00 PST