If you want to invalidate my reasoning, please have a cogent counterpoint in mind. Simply telling me that I am wrong ends the conversation in unpleasant dissonance.
Don't mistake my WELCOME
for a "kick me" sign,
and we'll get along just fine...
(from "Don't Mistake My Welcome")
David Blue Hawk
(My biggest fan.)
.. .. .. ..
In case I haven't mentioned it enough... I had the honor of laying down harmonica tracks on Max's "debut" CD entitled "Life In Eclectic Times" and the CD is, at this very moment on sale at all Newbury Comics locations, and available for download!!! I know you're going to love it, so... Check out:
Max Alan Winer
- and ENJOY!!!
(and PLEASE read his blog while you're there.)
BELOW are the songs on his new CD:
(Please pause the song playing on the page, if you wish to click on a song and hit the "play" button to sample.)
...and I would LOVE you
hit the play button
(on the Player above)
and give
"Shake It"
a listen.
It's a "One Take" harmonica track that made me
cRaZy HaPpY
to play.
Want itunes? Click here!
Max Alan Winer at NAPSTER
Max Alan Winer at RHAPSODY
Max Alan Winer at eMUSIC
ALL proceeds from the sale of this CD and the downloads from every song go to the JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.)
(Be sure to stop the music player above
before begining the video)
Max's interview on
FOX 25 News May 4th 2007
Max and I are (at long last) back in touch... making plans to record some new songs that will be on the next CD, and jamming some new arrangements of the songs from the first CD. We played at a JDRF Event a while ago in Needham, MA - with Josh Roberts from ANGRY HILL on bass, and it was an interesting experience... Thanks, Josh!!!
Here is my nephew Keith
and this is his band...
You REALLY should check out ANGRY HILL !!!
I've been involved with, and supporting these guys since their early days, sharing whatever I could, from giving them vocal lessons to managing their band when they were called, "Father Groove".
Keith is more like my brother than my nephew.
Either way, I'm proud of his talent, his drive and determination... and so I want you all to get to know him - and his band, ANGRY HILL. (I also want you to catch Keith and me if and when we do our "KTD and Blue Hawk" acoustic shows - which promise to be entertaining, I swear.)
Check out ANGRY HILL'S Myspace page by clicking 'cartoon' Angry Sean below...
Or, if you wish, 'cartoon' Joshman is a good click...
Maybe 'cartoon' Justin would like to take you there...
ANGRY HILL has written a song
to honor our troops (past and present)
who have served in the Middle East.
Click HERE to find a complimentary download of A Soldier's Song
courtesy of ANGRY HILL .
ANGRY HILL is also at the link below, thanks to Joe Roberts:
Does the way seem a stoney one? Not one stone can impede your progress. Courage. Face the future, but FACE it only with a brave and happy heart. Do not seek to see it. You are robbing Faith of her sublime sweetness if you do this.Just know that all is well and that Faith, not seeing, but believing, is the barque that will bear you to safety, over the stormy waters. "According to your faith be it unto you" was My injunction to those who sought healing of me.If for wonder-working, if for healing, if for salvation faith was so necessary then the reason is clear why I urged that all who sought entrance to My Kingdom must become as little children.Faith is the child attitude.