ZarithSuraya profile picture


looks nice in a cheap way

About Me

2 say evil but cute is accurate.. BUT, that, TOO would be a bit of an understatement... ;) sumtimes moody ... always confident. i'm a mix of fun and intellectualism. i hope 2b an intelligent person but not an intellectual one coz intellectual ppl scare da life out of me. i'm unpredictable, subversive but loving. i'm quite gud at transferring my passion in a term of words. hypnotic!! i haf a healthy appetite.. really enjoy my food... ekekek.. especially my moms. i'm sociable, but sensible at a time....

My Interests

like 2 expect da unexpected !?... ;) i'm a music freak !!! n njoy outdoor activities mostly


universal listener sbenarnye.. tp can easily listen 2 britpop n indie. it immediately drew me in2 a fun n meaningful world. mayb da poetic lyrics kot or mayb it's how each song is unique wif it's own msg n sound. a sense of ease.... infectious !!