I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
On Friday, April 1, 2005, an IFAW team of hunt observers was assaulted by sealers. Observers of the seal hunt are allowed by law to approach up to 10 meters away from sealers. Despite being well within the legal distance, the captain of a sealing vessel rushed two IFAW observers, threatening one with a hakapik and striking another on both the hand and arm.Over 300,000 of these seal pups – about a third of those estimated to be born this year – will be killed by hunters before they reach three months of age.The Canadian seal hunt is the world’s largest remaining commercial hunt for any marine mammal.The number of seals being killed is not biologically sustainable; the hunt is now a government sanctioned cull designed to reduce the size of the populationDocumentary evidence – in the form of two veterinary reports following the 2001 seal hunt, and video footage of the seal hunt obtained by IFAW in recent years – simply does not support claims by the Canadian government that the hunt is “humane†or “well regulated.â€Seals are routinely clubbed (often with illegal weapons) or shot and left to suffer on the ice, before being clubbed again some time thereafter.Seals are still skinned before being rendered fully unconscious and few sealers are observed checking for a blinking reflex to confirm brain death prior to skinning an animal.