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About Me

I'm all about family. I like just hangin' out having a good laugh, whether it be reminiscing about the good ol' days with my sisters growing up, or the time Godfadda Ed had to teach an old man new tricks (you know what I'm talkin' about...(hint: rosebush), or hookin' up with old frenz via e-mail/phone calls catching up with everyone. Greg and I have been married since 2001. I have 3 boys: Aaron (13), Phil (19), and Daniel (20). And yes, the 2 older ones are my step-sons.(^_^) I enjoy watching Ghost Hunters and Haunting with Aaron (we're into the paranormal part of life, not that we would practice such measures...)Aaron and I are now hooked on Criss Angel...MindFreak!! I'm a t-shirt-jeans-flip-flops-kinda-girl, but should the need for a dress and heels come about, I 'spose I'll do it...I'm into scrapbooking...dark chocolate...movies (can u tell?!?)...fine dining...REALLY good wine...gourmet cooking (should you come over for dinner sometime, I'll make you roasted salmon with rosemary-garlic butter sauce, along with roasted baby potatoes w/herbs and a vegetable , along with, of course, the fantabulous bottle of wine...anything seafood (yes, I like to eat) apple margaritas...Corona margaritas...shot of Patron...jolly rancher...tropical drinks (yes, I like to drink)...hanging out beachside reading a good book...tropical weather...smell of the ocean...sound of the waves...ok...ANYTHING Hawaii/tropical...Aaron's husband's wheezing laugh (I call him Mutley)...watching Aaron with his baby nieces (he's soo cute with them!)...traveling...listening to Aaron playing the keyboard by ear...calling Cindy (and vice versa) when we have a good 80's movie line to spit back and forth and see how far we can get reciting the rest of the scene (hey, it's the simple things in life that excite me)...maybe I'm just a chick stuck in the 80's...Layout made by waterbaby79 Which Filipino Food Are You?
BBQ on a Stick: Grilled marinated meat on bamboo skewers
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My Interests

Nothing makes my day than laughing so hard I almost pee my pants...

I'd like to meet:

Johnny Depp in all his manly glory...since the 80's, baby...


DURAN DURAN!! PRINCE, too! 80's Mod: New Order, Depeche Mode, Pet Shop Boys, OMD, ABC, Psychedelic Furs, David Bowie, etc, etc... R&B, like New Edition, SOS Band, Roger w/Zapp, Earth, Wind, & Fire, Al B. Sure!, Toni, Tony, Tone!, etc...Gwen Stefani, No Doubt, BEP, 2 many 2 mention...


80's classics: Breakfast Club (Bender's awesome...), Pretty In Pink, Ferris Bueller's Day Off (Where's you're brain?...Why'd you kick me?"), Weird Science (Do you realize it's snowing in my room god damnit?!?!..."), Less Than Zero, Just One of the Guys ("All balls itch, it's a fact!!"), Last American Virgin, The Goonies, The Karate Kid ("Sweep the leg... You got a problem with that?!?!"), Heathers, Can't Buy Me Love, The Outsiders ("We'll do it for Johnny, man! We'll do it for Johnny!!..."), Krush Groove. Star Wars, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Johnny Depp's Pirates of the Carribean, Blow, Edward Scissorhands, Donnie Brasco, Chocolat, Once Upon a Time in Mexico. Heat, The Godfather I & II, Bourne Identity, Bourne Supremacy, Good Will Hunting, Dead Poet's Society ("Oh Captain, my Captain..."), Snatch, The Rock, Gladiator ("My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius..."), X-Men I & II, The Professional ("No women, no children..."), Knight's Tale, Black Hawk Down, Braveheart, Terminator, Kate and Leopold, Pretty Woman, Mystic Pizza, My Best Friend's Wedding, The Notebook, Before Sunset, Hitch, Kung Fu Hustle, Rapid Fire, The Crow, Fists fo Fury, The Last Dragon, Napoleon Dynamite (too many to mention here...), Christmas Story ("Drink more Ovaltine!...")Damn...that's hella...


I'm a 'Lost' junkie...what do those freakin' numbers mean anyway?? And my 2nd favorite: Entourage, baby!! I'm trying to cut down on my TV time, but I also like Desperate Housewives, 24, Heroes, Smallville, Grey's Anatomy, Scrubs... I know, I know...I'm a freakin' couch potato. The treadmill was collecting dust, so Phil sold it on figure...


Harry Potter series, Ann Rice's Witching Hour & Lasher, The Da Vinci Code, Angels & Demons


My son Aaron, because he's not afraid to be different. He's real when it comes to his feelings, he'll let you know when he's upset, but later in the day still tells you he loves you even though you pissed him off earlier because you took his computer cord away...My mom and dad...they've put up with so much when I was a teenager growing up, they're the meaning of 'unconditional love'.Get Your Own! | View Slideshow