Marble My Wordsa href=" 9yZHMuY29tLw==">..
Marble My Words.. ChubbyCheCker ChubbyCheCker ChubbyCheCker ChubbyCheCker ChubbyCheCker ChubbyCheCker ChubbyCheCker ChubbyCheCker ChubbyCheCker Click here to make Falling Objects ChubbyCheCker ChubbyCheCker ChubbyCheCker ChubbyCheCker ChubbyCheCker ChubbyCheCker ChubbyCheCker ChubbyCheCker ChubbyCheCker ChubbyCheCker ChubbyCheCker ChubbyCheCker ChubbyCheCker ChubbyCheCker ChubbyCheCker .... R.I.P. BIGBRO CURTIS R.I.P. BIGBRO CURTIS R.I.P. BIGBRO CURTIS R.I.P. BIGBRO CURTIS R.I.P. BIGBRO CURTIS R.I.P. BIGBRO CURTIS R.I.P. BIGBRO CURTIS R.I.P. BIGBRO CURTIS R.I.P. BIGBRO CURTIS Click here to make Falling Objects R.I.P. BIGBRO CURTIS R.I.P. BIGBRO CURTIS R.I.P. BIGBRO CURTIS R.I.P. BIGBRO CURTIS R.I.P. BIGBRO CURTIS R.I.P. BIGBRO CURTIS R.I.P. BIGBRO CURTIS R.I.P. BIGBRO CURTIS R.I.P. BIGBRO CURTIS R.I.P. BIGBRO CURTIS R.I.P. BIGBRO CURTIS R.I.P. BIGBRO CURTIS R.I.P. BIGBRO CURTIS R.I.P. BIGBRO CURTIS R.I.P. BIGBRO CURTIS .. .. .. .. ..
...::About Me::...<3
Full Name: Corey Glover - ChubbyCheCker
Eye Color: fucking black
Hair Color: jet black
Height: 5'5
Shoe Size: 8 1/2
Ring Size: dont have 1 so dont know
Heritage: african american
Graduating Year: 2004
Birthdate: august 29, 1986
Zodiac Sign: virgo
Concert: my shit in 2008
Best Friend: tyrell, matthew, ralph, and donnell
Crush: lefteye , monica, and teiara horton
Pet: cat
Sport: basketball
...::Have You Ever::...<3
Sky Dived: nope
Bungee Jumped: nope
Gone out of the Country: sometimes
Beaten Someone Up: hell yea
Gotten Beat Up: hell to da no, by rokea's mama
Killed an Animal: hell no
Swam in the Ocean: hell no
Broke the Law: yea
Smoked: no
Chewed Tobacco: no
Drank: hell yea everyday
Been Kissed: hell yea
Been In Love: yea
Dumped Someone: no
Been Dumped: yea
Broken Someone's heart: no
Had Your Heart Broken: no, just dumped and i went to da next chick
Liked Someone Who Didn't Like You Back: yea
Broken A Bone: yea
Had Surgery: what kind
Had an X-ray or MRI: maybe
Failed a Class: yea
Color: red, gray, and white
Food: chicken and corn
Drink: water
Snack: pussy
Cereal: dont eat it
Ice Cream: butter peacan
Candy: dont eat it
Restaurant: BBQ'S
Fast Food Place: chiness
Store: duane reede
Animal: lion cuz im da fucking king
Quote: it's me bitches
Sport To Play: not no more
Sport To Watch: basketball
Movie: schooldazes, friday, set it off, and grease
TV Show: freshprince, martin, one on one and other black shit
Type Of Music: rnb and rap
Band: Da N@ut! Boy$
Singer: monica, mario and lis lefteye lopez
Song: crying out for me, why her, and water falls
Pepsi or Coke: nope
Vanilla or Chocolate: chocolate
Cake or Ice Cream: icecream
McDonalds or Burger King: mc
Love or Money: both
Music or TV: both
Cat or Dog: cat
Mom or Dad: mom cant depend on da dad
Truck or Car: both
Ocean or Lake: dont matter
Yahoo or Hotmail: yahoo
Google or AJ: google
Light or Dark: i like light but i come ou tin da dark
Country or City: city
Rain or Sunshine: sunshine
...::The Opposite Sex::...<3
First Thing You Notice: titties
Personality or Looks: both
Hair Color: red or black
Eye Color: dont matter
Short or Tall: dont matter
Romanic or Spontaneous: both
Sense of Humor or Sweet: both
Hook up or Relationship: both
Listening To:
Doing Besides Typing:
Thinking About:
In Love:
Best Friends:
...::The Future::...<3
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