GreyLife profile picture


About Me

GreyLife is the childe of a new age of music. One where it doesn't take three or five or eighteen people to create a song, but one. One where instruments are only the tools for an artist and are non-essential. In an age of unpatrollable information exchange and free music, GreyLife prospers, not because of profit, but because of freedom. Instruments are software, inspiration is life, the conduit is one man. Hardware, software and emotion merge into what is GreyLife. Now playing: GreyLife
So I've been busy looking for work and all, but I've managed to create a video for Necron 99. It's the first real video editing work I've done, so I hope you all enjoy. I've been up all night, so I'm going to head to bed. Sorry I don't post more info. But I'm keeping it basic for now.
Last night I had a build up of creative energy I needed to get out. The result is a cover of Depeche Mode's "It's No Good". I posted it on the myspace radio instead of the SoundClick one to keep it unofficial. I'm not too fond of releasing songs I don't have copyright permissions for. You might have to pause my soundclick player to hear it, but give it a listen. I like it.
Just to let you all know, I've added Duty (aka Field of Blood) and What Do I Have To Do? to my soundclick player. Duty is about my obsession with Warriors Orochi the PC game and What Do I Have To Do? is the song I've always been meaning to write, just never could find the words for. Enjoy all.
Kind of a fun date... just noticed. Never did update that I had posted 'Parker Said' oh so many ages ago, but I did. And just to show that my time hasn't been spent entirely unproductive, here's a couple of new tracks I've been working on. I'm not entirely sure where they came from, but they kind of just appeared. Not much time has been spent on these, but they're there. Leave Me Alone has a nice guitar that reminds me of something a little more 80's metal and Within was made with percussion samples I was playing with from Unreal Tournament 2004. But in any case, I hope you all enjoy.
Updated the Untitled Track 2 with something a little different I've been working on, code named: 'Beyond'. Also added the 'Untitled Track 2' that was before it to my soundclick radio as 'Pray' now that it's more of a complete track. Listen and dance.
Added two new songs as untitled tracks that I've been working on for the past couple days. I think this is the direction GreyLife is taking. Hope you all enjoy.
Too lazy for too much news today. Uploaded the new version of what was previously Untitled Track 2 (Code name: Inspired) as a more finalized version on the SoundClick radio as 'Falling Through Glass'. Listen and enjoy. Also replaced the first two untitled tracks as different songs. Also threw an image on with 'Hate Machine' and added it and 'Dominate Me (Submissive) as myspace tracks so all the fans can add them to their sites. You know you want to...
'Hate Machine' has been posted to the SoundClick radio. This is a fun track that was inspired from a song J was working on that I spat some lyrics out for. Unfortunately, he already had lyrics intended for the song, so I had to put them to good use. This song is the result. Pretty good for being produced in a couple days.
'Serenity' and 'My Life' have been posted as Soundclick tracks displaying what I've been working on as of late. To get a closer glimpse at new tracks in the works, Untitled Track 1 and 3 have now been updated with new works-in-progress whose projects are lovingly titled 'Bass Drum' and 'Experiment X37' repectively. Listen. You'll enjoy what you hear... hey, at least I updated this time...
Posted 'Necron 99'. Interesting stuff using samples from the Ralph Bakshi film 'Wizards'. Good stuff. Hopefully I'll get a chance to refine it somewhat, but we'll see. Also figured I should throw the update in there that 'Dominate Me' does in fact have vocals now. I uploaded the track but never updated my news. Like anyone reads it anyway...
7/11/07 - 4:00 AM
I was bored today. Posted a new track that has some cool new VST instruments I was playing with. It turned out very well. It's in the works with about another half a dozen songs or more. Hope you all enjoy.
Update at 5:44 AM
I couldn't help myself. This track has come a ways so I re-posted it. It's really only missing the vocals which I've already got prepared, just need a working mic and such. Have fun.
Alrighty, as busy as I've been, I've been able to find some time working on some tracks. The first, "Heretic's Ladder", is a collaboration between Gl!tch , GreyLife and The Great Enemy (formerly Ghost ). The second is "Spartans", a collaboration with myself and The Great Enemy. The last, "Untitled For Now", is a work as of yet my own. Check them out, they're good stuff!
I've got some good news and... some good news, I guess. I found most of my old work had miraculously been backed up, so I can work on it. The other good news is that I've been working on some newer stuff with J from Ghost . The new song you see there is one of the tracks we're working on. Busted that out in one day. We'll see how much further it goes, but with some time off, I should have more to listen to.
So, I've miraculously found some time to be working on some new stuff, so I've posted what I've got so far. I apologize to the fans of "Hey Bitch" and "Greyest Days", but the new stuff comes first. But here's a preview of what I've been working on. Hope this keeps you going for awhile.
On the bright side, I've created a site specifically to showcase my music. I'm just going to need to find someone who will host a 200 MB website for free. We'll see how that works out.
Okay, so the process has been slow, but here's some updates. They still aren't the finished versions of the songs, but they're something. I know I promised you Uber, so here's a chance to see where it is so far. I'm fairly impressed with it, I hope you are too. I also updated The Music That Nobody Likes to give an impression as to where it is production-wise. I'm still figuring out the drums and how to end the song, but it's coming closer to finalization. I'm kind of prefering the old drum beats as opposed to the newer ones, so feedback would be appreciated. I might end up revamping that whole side of things. Anyway, hope you all enjoy where this has gone so far. Till next time...
Damn, I had forgotten that this part of my page has existed. Updates? Not many. Grey Days was released and somehow, the few people who listened to it, liked it. Since then, I've posted a preview of a song called "The Music That Nobody Likes". I've been revamping it somewhat, working on the flow of it, experimenting with new drum sounds and effects, changing and re-recording lyrics, etc. Another song is in the works, too. So far, it's name is "Uber". As it stands, it might be the longest song I've released in awhile, but we'll see how much of it hits the chopping block. I'm amazed that I still find time to work on my music between school and work and everything in between. I'm a little sensitive about working on my music when other people are around, so with my old roommates becoming my new roommates (just for another two weeks or so) I've been having a hard time finding time. That and Quake 1 and 2, Doom 1, 2 and Final (with 3d engines! jDoom!) and Guild Wars all take up my additional time. We'll see. Progression is slowly, but I can assure that it's surely.
There's been a long silence. Sorry. I've been having a bout of writer's block. Still do. This is one track that made it through, though. The inspiration just kind of came to me one day and the song made it to a listenable version. Don't know how long it'll be till something else comes out, though. Hope you all enjoy. It might be the last new release you'll be listening to for awhile. But I still have a few tracks left in the works.
By the way, Dynasty Warriors 4 Hyper ROCKS!!!
Despite working a new job, getting everything situated and my obsession with oldschool video games (and some new ones: Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth) I've managed to finish a listenable version of one of my newest works. Mediavolve is up and available for listening. This is the new direction of GreyLife so far, although the other new songs in the works are less abrasive. Also, this is the first time I've used vocorder effects and samples in a song. They are both most appropriate and I hope encourages people to check out the works of David Cronenberg. Videodrome, besides 90% of the samples being from that movie, also had influence on the subject material of the song itself. Also check out Crash (not the new one; I haven't been able to watch it due it it having the same name as this great Cronenberg film, it could never live up to). Enough. I best be off.
Moved in to Philadelphia, got the internet and cable up and running, been busy, but we'll see how things go once things settle down.
Alright, amidst the packing and preparations for moving to Philadelphia, I've been able to work on three new songs. They're a dancy/industrial bunch, but are lacking lyrics. I've yet to attempt writing for most of them. So far, only concepts bouncing around my head. I suppose I've been putting it off for awhile, but these things take time. I really want to have a feel for the music before creating lyrics. Once the move settles down and my new job gets out of the way, I should have been able to listen to the new music enough to have come up with some demo versions of these tracks worth listening to. Keep in touch over the next few weeks and something new is bound to show up.
So, if you haven't noticed yet, I've been busy with a cover song. You're probably listening to it right now if you're reading this with the sound on and the myspace music page is actually working. You can also find any new versions and remixes that come out at my page. Head on over to hear early versions of anything new I'm coming up with. There's a new version of Hey Bitch there, brand new vocals. They'll probably end up in a remix somewhere. More versions in the work. Check up every now and again to see what's been going on.
Okay, first things first. Suicidal God is an ancient and dead project that was my first workings. Based mostly off of Fruity Loops and it's contents, the range of music was fairly limited. This project died when I first got my own (ancient) copy of protools and the required hardware. Now, I'm using that knowledge and experience to work with my new music.

GreyLife is my masterpiece in the making, my brainchilde. GreyLife has been in the works for five or more years and has numerous songs, most of which were nearing completion when my hard drive crashed. Fortunately, most of the works-in-progress were on CD and were able to be saved. The individual tracks making up the songs, on the other hand, are a different story. The hard drive is still in my basement somewhere, waiting to be worked on. Might be awhile. Instead, I'm in the process of writing more music, something that reflects where I'm at with my life currently with reflections of my past. Everything is still conceptual as I'm using new software and hardware for the new recordings, so it's a learning process starting from square one. Expect a new sound, a new feeling, and a new outlook.

Updates and works in progress will be added as they come around. In the meantime, you can occassionally find me on Yahoo IM with the ID greylifesuicidalgod.
More music as it becomes available here:

My Interests


Member Since: 2/23/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Haven
Influences: Life, it's experiences, perspectives on it, philosophies of it and it's emotional consequences. Pain and angst, observations and experiences. My style combines elements from many styles of music, covering much of my tastes in music. It's especially apparent when you listen to older songs compared to something newer. Styles mostly include EBM, alternative, industrial metal and industrial dance, even a little darkwave.
Sounds Like: Listen for yourself, but if you're looking to compare it to something you've heard: Nine Inch Nails, Stabbing Westward, Tool, Life of Agony, KMFDM, Wumpscut, and more.
Record Label: none

My Blog

Hey Bitch Cover demo'ed

Okay, here's part of what I've been working on so far. This is the first of the new stuff I've been working on that's made it far enough to show off. I still want to edit the song a little bit more, t...
Posted by on Sun, 16 Apr 2006 17:47:00 GMT

New Music

New songs are in the works. Among those is a cover of the song "Zombie" by the Cranberries. Most of the new works are through Fruity Loops, but will include the abilities of several other progs, such ...
Posted by on Wed, 22 Mar 2006 19:49:00 GMT