About Me
Central American from the Jaguar Land region.
I feel my indigenous heritage by instinct and i acknowledge it with passion.
Strong and free and somewhere in time.
Earth warrior .Guess u can say , Im the "mil usos" of the not so glamourous entertainment industry.
Presently, Im a poet,Pro-Audio Consultant,Protools operator,Voiceover artist,Sound Tech,Guitar tech, Keyboard Tech,Backline Person, Singer-Song-writer,Music Producer,Studio vocalist,Production Assistant,Promoter,Camera person,Sound Designer,Truck driver,etc. I imagine you get the idea.
Im a very passionate individual. I live in love with life and sometimes Im some kind of Gypsy.
I like music in general and I have many different circles of friends. Ravers,rockers,headbangers,Romantics,Punks,Kickers,Hippies,Y
uppies and yippies(yuppies that dress like hippies), Gangsters,Native AMericans and of course Latinamericans like me where you find everything and anything...from Mexico to Argentina. And last but not least Europe,Middle East and Africa.
One day you will find me here and another there . Im always everywhere.
Music, to me, is the world. I love all cultures because of music. I do not see geographical lines anymore; I see one nation and one God and a huge multiverse for us to spread upon.
Im wild like fire. Im Sagittariuss with a Libra rising sign. My lifepath number is 6. According to The Mayan Calendar Im a seargeant of Truth. According to The Chinnesse Calendar Im a wooden Serpent and my Native American friends call me "Fatewalker"
I grew up in San Salvador, Central America. and I spent my life traveling in and out amongst many cities of the U.S
Im no stranger to war and no stranger to love.
I have had plenty of school but I refuse to stop learning.
My Dad is an ex-military man turn workoholic. From him I inherit a very powerful Indigenous bloodline. My Mom an Inmigration Delegate and from her I inherit lots of vission and love.
Running away from Texas Law (which is not always right) I arrived in Los Angeles for the first time in Oct. 1991. Was here for 1 year and a half and left for San Salvador cause my father die. Came back in late 94 and right then just hours after I got off the plane ; by coincidence or FATE I ran into the music biz. iTS BEEN A ROLLERCOASTER OF EMOTIONS EVER SINCE.
The crazy experience of arriving in the City of the Angels.
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