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About Me

Hey guys, my name is kevin harrington and i goto school at Florida College. Its a small christian college in Temple Terrace, Florida (its right outside Tampa Bay). I'm coming home for summer on the 2nd of May. I love to play sports an chill with family and friends. The three most important things to me are God, Family and Friends. I love to laugh and i love to make others laugh. if you want to know anything else just ask.IF YOU WANNA TALK IM ME AT...sonofabck
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The Official Fill-in-the-Blank Biography
Chapt. 1: The Basics
Initials: KJH
Middle Name: Joseph
Nickname: Kevo
Sex: nope...oh...male
Date of Birth: 1/20/1988
Star Sign: Aquarius
Place of Birth: Norwalk
Current Location: Temple Terrace, Florida
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 210
Hair Length: short
Hair Colour: brown
Eye Colour: bluish, greenish
Skin Tone (Light, Medium, Dark): light
Piercings: none
Tattoos: none
Scars and Birthmarks: scar on my finger, and on my wriste because i hit a nail
Chapt. 2: The Background
Mother's Name: Debbie
Mother's Occupation: Substitute Teacher
Mother's Hometown: Columbus, Ohio
Father's Name: Eric
Father's Occupation: Controller
Father's Hometown: Brea, Claifornia
Do you live with your parents?: When I'm home from college, yes but i live at school
Do you get along with your parents?: sure do
Are your parents married/separated/divorced?: married
Do you have any siblings? If yes, do you get along?: Yes, one older brother and one younger...and yes we do
What pets do you have?: dogs
Did you grow up in a different place than where you live now?: well...i am at school in yes
Where did you spend your summers as a child?: at my house or andrews house
What was the name of your elementary school?: Pacific Drive
Who were your best friends in elementary school?: Kyle Vanderstaay, Andrew Christy, Alex Gray and Craig Carlson
Who was your favorite teacher in elementary school?: Mrs. Shallio
What was your best memory from elementary school?: flag football and grass wars
What was your worst memory from elementary school?: i got kicked in the nuts on the playground once
What was the name of your junior high school?: Nicolas
Who were your best friends in junior high school?: Jon Martiez, Jonathan Tripp (STEW), Andrew Christy Jonathan Mahr, and Jacob Nelson
Who was your favorite teacher in junior high school?: SLOTSY
What was your best memory from junior high school?: Being 8th grade president
What was your worst memory from junior high school?: having bleached hair
What was the name of your high school?: Troy High School
Who were your best friends in high school?: Jon Martinez, Jonathan Tripp (STEW), Andrew Christy, Janie Wurth
Who was your favorite teacher in high school?: Hufferd and Robinson
What was your best memory from high school?: a lot, Being lead in Damn Yankess and Rumors, A company of wayward saints, Mr. THS, Prom Prince, Video Yearbook, football, drama
What was your worst memory from high school?: my zipper was down on stage once
Out of elementary, junior high or high school which did you like best?: senior year of high school
Did you ever go to the same school as your siblings?: ya
Did you ever go to the same school as your parents?: nope
What is your family's cultural heritage?: we are english, irish and german
Chapt. 3: The Favourites
City: Fullerton
Vacation Spot: Havisu or Powell
Sport: Play - hockey and - hockey and football
Food: anything
Dessert: ice cream
Drink (Non-Alcoholic): mountain dew
Drink (Alcoholic): mountain dew?
Place to Eat: in-n-out
Ice Cream Flavour: chocolate or strawberry
Season: winter
Holiday: christmas and birthday
Clothing Brand: matix, volcome
Make-Up Brand:
Shampoo and Conditioner: head and shoulders 2 in 1...duh
Supermodel: myself
Actor: will ferrell, collin ferrell, johnny depp
Actress: kiera knightly, eva longoria
Athlete: reggie bush, matt leinhart, teemu selane, nomar garciaparra
Athletic Team: LA Dodgers, Anaheim Ducks
Decade: whichever
Old Nickolodeon Show: i hate Nickolodeon
Number: 4 and 18
Colour: blue
Word: niggernator
Phrase: take it easy...take a chill pill
Magazine: sports illustrated
Cheesy Pick-Up Line: hello...
Language: english
Country: USA
Flower: rose
Girl's Name: dont really care
Boy's Name: kevin of course
Chapt. 4: This or That?
Lefty/Righty: left
Rock/Country: rock...some country
Diamonds/Pearls: diamonds
Blondes/Brunettes: any
New York/Montana: new york
USA/Canada: USA
Gold/Silver: gold
Hummer Limo/Stretch: hummer
Gatorade/Powerade: gatorade
Diet Coke/Regular: mountain dew
Chicken Fingers/Chicken Nuggets: both are great
McDonalds/Burger King: in-n-out
Subway/Taco Bell: taco bell
Gravol/Peptil Bismol: tums
Plane/Train: plane
Skiing/Snowboarding: snowboarding
Cliff Diving/Shark Diving: who does those things
East Coast/West Coast: WEST COAST
Marissa Cooper/Summer Roberts: who
George Bush/John Kerry: both gay...with each other
Britney Spears/Christina Aguilera: christina
Charlotte York/Samantha Jones: umm...
Lindsay Lohan/Hilary Duff: both are kinda gross because they are way to skinny...but...Hilary
The O.C./Laguna Beach: OC
The Flinstones/The Jetsons: flinstones
Full House/Fresh Prince of Bel-Air: both were pimp shows
Growing Pains/Boy Meets World: boy meets world
The Brady Bunch/The Partridge Family: brady bunch
Peanut Butter/Jelly: together
Creamy/Crunchy: creamy
Red Rover/Capture the Flag: i dominate at both so bring it
Mother May I/Simon Says: simon says
Lake/Pool: lake
Snow Day/Spring Day: spring
Chihuahua/Bernese Mountain Dog: how bout a normal dog
London/Paris: paris
Shower/Bath: both
Love/Money: love
Nike/Adidas: adidas
Peanuts/Crackerjacks: peanuts
Fruity Pebbles/Cocoa Puffs: fruity pebbles
Target/Wal-mart: walmart
AIM/MSN Messenger: aim
Manolo Blahnik/Birkenstock: gay
Coco Chanel/Louis Vuitton: gay
Janice Dickinson/Twiggy Lawson: huh?
City Mouse/Country Mouse: city mouse
Winter Olympics/Summer Olympics: it doesnt matter...USA dominates
Pink Wristband/Yellow Wristband: dont care
NCAA/Professionals: depends
Apples/Bananas: apples
Summer Wheatly/Pedro Sanchez: summer
Liberal/Conservative: conservative
Chapt. 5: Do You...
Sing in the shower?: ya
Write memos on your hand?: ya
Call people back?: ya
Have your driver's liscense?: ya
Believe in a thing called love?: just listen to the rhythem of your heart...ya
Knock on wood?: when its at hand
Sleep on a certain side of the bed?: nope
Speak another language?: spanglish
Have citizenship to more than one country?: no
Think you're attractive?: some what
Wear glasses or contact lenses?: glasses
Have any weird pet peeves?: liars
Have any weird hobbies?: civil war
Like your life so far?: of course
Chapt. 6: Have You Ever...
Gone skinny dipping?: the gulf of mexico
Worn braces?: ya
Smoked a cigarette?: ...
Smoked a cigar?: ya
Smoked anything else?: haha
Broken a bone?: collarbone
Had stitches?: no
Kissed a member of the same sex?: no
Shoplifted?: no
Punched someone in the face?: no
Skipped school?: ya
Flown first class?: no
Traveled to another continent?: no
Used racial slurs?: niggernator
Taken pain killers?: ya
Taken sleeping pills?: no
Rode in a limousine?: of course
Gone SCUBA diving?: no
Been stung by a jellyfish?: no
Been stung by a bee?: ya
Thrown up in a restaurant?: haha no
Made a snow angel?: ya
Been to overnight camp?: ya
Written a letter to Santa Claus?: haha...yes
Sworn in front of your parents?: yes
Had detention?: of course
Been sent to the principal's office?: ya
Screamed: haha...when the dodgers clinched the playoffs
Made a prank phone call?: all the time
Been to the opposite end of the country?: live there now
Been called a bitch?: ya
Been called a whore?: no
Been called a prude?: no
Met someone famous?: ya...jim edmonds, jose molina...many other
Slept naked?: no
Gone streaking?: no
Play ding-dong-ditch?: ya
Climbed a tree?: ya
Been kissed under a mistel toe?: no
Had a threesome?: no
Chapt. 7: Pick Your Perfect...
Pizza: managers special from porky's...pepperoni, chilli peppers and grilled chicken
Bagel: cinnamon with cream cheese
S'more: gram, chocolate and the mallows
Sandwich: steak house beef dip from quiznos
Sundae: vanilla with chocolate syrup
Date: as long as im with that special someone it doesnt matter
Outfit: jeans and a sweatshirt
Chapt. 9: Random
If you could take back one thing from your childhood, what would it be?: nothing
Would you rather win an Oscar or Nobel Prize?: nobel peace prize
What time do you get up in the morning?: depends on what day and on what classes i have
What time do you go to sleep?: i shoot for 12...never happens
If you could bring 5 items with you to a desert island, what would they be?: bible, and the four people in my family
Do you prefer blonde hair or brown hair on the opposite sex?: doesnt matter
What's one thing you've always wanted to do, but haven't done yet?: travel around the world...find that special someone
If you were on death row, what would you request for your final meal?: steak, baked potatoe, ribs, some pizza, in-n-out
If you could travel anywhere in the world, which location would you pick?: home
Name 5 people in history who you'd like to invite to a dinner party?: abraham lincoln, george washington, jesus, will ferrell and robert e. lee
Poof! It's a genie! What are your 3 wishes?: long and healthy life, super powers and infinate wishes
If you could be anything/one you want, who/what would you be?: i want to be the best person i can be...father, son, husbad...the whole shibang
If you were a Super Hero, what would your power be?: Fly
If the world floods and you can only save 1 animal species, you'll save...: tigers
What are the last 4 digits of your cell phone number?: 7428
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Myspace Layouts

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

God, Jesus, the person who thought it would be a good idea to make an english class so i can punch them in the face, nomar garciaparra and anyone who just wants to chill and have a good time

My Blog

How my name came to be

ok so many people have been asking me what my name means...if you haven't seen it, its "Kevin is JOD" well heres the story: the six pack (me jon stew haley courtny and vanessa) were sitting in Del Tac...
Posted by on Fri, 17 Feb 2006 14:37:00 GMT

Check it out...for girls only

1.Your Full Name:2. Age:3. Fave Color:4. Fave Movie:5. Fave Song:6. Fave Band:7. Most Embarassing Moment:8. Are you a virgin?HERE COMES THE FUN ... ... ...1. Are we friends?2. Do you have a crush/attr...
Posted by on Wed, 15 Feb 2006 21:58:00 GMT

i know you want to

1. Who are you? 2. Are we friends? 3. When and how did we meet? 4. How have I affected you? 5. What do you think of me? 6. What's the fondest memory you have of me? 7. How long do you think we will be...
Posted by on Tue, 24 Jan 2006 21:53:00 GMT

whats right

its hard to know when something is right to do or when your best friend tells you to keep a secret. but you think you should tell someone so there feelings aren't hurt. but now your best fr...
Posted by on Tue, 24 Jan 2006 19:40:00 GMT