Music, Cooking, Painting, Politics, Foreign Travel and Languages, Sexxi People, Pain.
Fellow revolutionaries with intelligence, ammo and supplies.
Anything not played on Clear Channel (now known as LIVE NATION I believe) Playlists - lol! I like good music, not genre specific, just good music.
City of Lost Children, Brazil, The Holy Mountain, Lox Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, King of Hearts, did I fergit the Resevoir Dogs?
PBS cooking shows and Frontline ONLY! We don't have a television, fuck that corporate braindrain.
The Painted Bird, Ironweed, Antionetta, Women of Brewster Place . . . the list goes on as I am an avid reader. I am adding Chuck Palunuik and Irvine Welsh to this list. Also, a rarely known little wonder book titled, Bang to Rights. Absolutely Fabulous.
No Heroes. I respect people and their efforts/causes but believe in hereos as much as I believe in Christ, and that's zero!