It started when we were little kids....
free spirits...
but Already tormented by our own hands...
Given to us by our parents...
we got together And wrote on desks...
and slept in laundry Rooms near snowy mountains...
& slipped through Whatever cracks we can find...
minds altered...
We didn't falter...
in portraying hysterical And tragic characters...
in a smog filled Universe ...
we loved the dirty city...
and the Journeys away from it...
we had not yet been Or seen our friends, selves....
chase tails round, And round....
in a downward spiral...
leaving trail Of irretrievable vital life juice behind...
The brothers' blood, comrades, partners, family...
Was impenetrable...
And we lived inside it laughing with grins...
And everything else that was experimental....
'till death was Upon us...
in our face mortality...
sure there were times...
Lots of things seemed futile then...
but Love, and music can save us...
and did...
while the giant, grey, monster grew more
poisoned, and volatile around us
jaws clamping down
And spewing ugly shit around
nothing Is the same...
so we keep moving....we... keep... moving.but nowdays... well.... lets just say thatThese executives have blooped the fuck out of me....
and its still a long way till i pay my debt back to society...
and all i ever really wanted to do was play the guitar and bend the string likereen-
tee- new- nee- new- nee...Ive got it!I'll be sullen and withdrawn...I'll dwindle off into a twilight realm of my own secret thoughts...I'll lay on my back here till dawn in a semi catatonic state...and dream of guitar notes that will executive kinda guy.{}
Layout by CoolChaser Background from flickr user