It all boils down to: Men with agendas, time, and drugs... CLASSY AFFAIRS! Getting drunk and pettin' the duck. Smoking fattys, peddling smut, getting inked, pierced, fucked... up, and living and burning on the motherfuckin' westside.
Everybody I want to meet is dead, so your guess is as good as mine as to where that leaves me... besides if you know me you know that people aren't exactly my forte. i'm an all or nothing kinda girl.CHIGGEN BOOBIES
I love classic rock, Queen, Led Zepplin, Pink Flloyd, Steve Miller Band, Bob Dylan, Journey, Styx, CREAM, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Alabama, Doobie Brothers for sure, Creedence Clearwater Revival, James Taylor, Ritchie Valens, Elvis, the Beatles, Fleetwood Mac, The Allman Brothers, America, Simon and Garfunkle, Eric Clapton, Sublime, a bit of Angry white punk.... but mostly I keep it basic......Stoner Shit.MUSIC TO MY EARS IS A BUBBLING BINGER!!
Old School, Super Troopers, Zoolander, Breakfast Club, Pumpkin, Dazed and Confused, Half Baked, Pulp Fiction, True Romance, American Beauty, American History X, BraveHeart, Fight Club, The Long Long Trailer, Milo and Otis, Alice in Wonderland, Return to Oz, Evil Dead, Blow, Boogie Nights, Porn, Fear and Loathing, The Life of David Gale , WoodStock, Forrest Gump,Resivor Dogs, GoodFellas, Donnie Darko, GodFather Iand II, Bader Santa. Almost Famous, The Wall, Yellow Submarine,& BOONDOCK SAINTS changed my life!3 SHEETS TO THE WIND... 3 SHEETS TO THE WIND MMMMMMMM Shrooms... Taste Like Shit
Family Guy for sure, RoseAnne, I Love Lucy, and anything else that will make me laugh
Through the Looking Glass, Alice in Wonderland, Fear and Loathing (in Las Vegas and on the Campaign Trail), The Rum Diaries, Lolita, The Crying of Lot 49, Forrest Gump, A Tree grows in Brooklyn, The Once and Future King, Naked Lunch, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, I'll Love You Forever, Catcher in the Rye, Acid Dreams, A Wrinkle in Time, Helter Skelter, GidgetTRASHED IN VEGO!!!!!
Hunter S. Thompson, Albert Hoffman and that which makes me see crazy SHIT!!!! MAIN STREET ELECTRICAL PARADE...... IS BOMB!