"All mankind will fear;
they will proclaim the works of
God and ponder what He has done.
Let the righteous rejoice in the
Lord and take refuge in Him; let
all the upright in heart praise Him!
Psalms 64:9-10
Jesus.......God speaks in all sorts of ways. Sometimes He reveals His will to us by an impression. Sometimes He speaks by an inner voice. Sometimes we can hear Him speaking through the vioce of stranger, a friend, the words of a song, a thought from a book, a verse of Scripture. Rushed urgings are usually of the enemy. God's Spirit may "hound" you by softly and repeatedly bringing something to mind, but be suspicious of anything that makes you feel driven or in any way obsessed. The voice of the good shephard is gentle, familiar sounding and loving. It leaves upi with a sense of spiritual uplift and rejoicing, never fright. Johm 10:3-5,14-16,27-28
pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" flashvars="id=img204%2F3231%2F1152168478eu4.smil"/My gay Lil Pup!
She's the Man.
dont watch to much.
The Bible, The Body Language book,
Jesus, my family.