BEACH!!!!hmmm???BOYS!!!!!!!!!PARTY!!harhar!Champoy of Hale**COnstanTine MAroulis!!!** haha! cLubbErs!!!!!BUTTERLIES!!!!!*ShoPpiNg *bArHopping**TequilA**mY bithChEs CreW**BEACH!!**OuT oF toWn*PiNk/whiTe StuFF *NEScafe tmbayn* *USHeR*ShoPPing*BaG * ShoEs *Shopping again*GimiK *sPa*pArlor*SouNdTrip*GimiK*FooDtrip*MoviEs*CLoThEs**CelFon* CHoCoLAtes*ChiPS Ahoy*oReo*KarE-KAre*SbArro*JAps food*MAkiMi* sioMai*AccEsoRieS*kiKay StuFF *CarToOnS*MaLL*d&g lyt Blue*kEnzo*RoXY*Bag again**HuGo*uSher agAin*PArTy*RoAdTrip*LipGloss*EyEshaDow*BluSh-oN**BOYS again!!** pErFumEs**piZzA**Loves To Cook**BOys Again! bam!
Am not chooSy wHen iT comEs to frieNdz!!!
Im A SimpLe LAdy Who Would Touch uR liFe in My oWn Simple Way =) yEbah!!!!
iF u wna be in Kat And HamZa's World! feel frEe to add mE .. wehehehe!!WARNING : For thoSe who Wanna mEss up With me. Move bitch!!!!! Get outta my Way!!!!!!!!!!!!WAP!!!!!!!! Ur Dead!!!!! Ul regret the day u messed up wd me!BWAHAHAHAH!!!!!!im the chosen one!!!heheheIf u Can't bEat mE..JOin mE!!!!!!
&b*Senti*hIPHop, *PuNk ROck*techno, *OPm*Jazz **and evrythng... [stuff and Shit]
HotChiCk, MeanGiRls, CrAzyBeautiFuL, 50 first dates, School Of RoCk, DrAma QuEen, 13 going on 30, WhiTe Chicks, My SaSSyGiRL, NevEr Been KissEd, ThE Notebook, GonE in 60 SeconDs, 2Fast2FuriouS, PeArLHarBor, CelluLar, oLd School, AMpiE, tRoy, U goT serVed, OcEan'S 11, Catch Me iF u Can, BadBoys, FinDinG NEmo, MonSteRs iNc., ShArk TaLe..Shet..ETC!!!
Sex and the City, One tree hill,Desperate Housewives,Prison break,Heroes,Friends =) lotsa!!!
well,many 2 mention...
my dad...LEGOLAS!!!!