greenlee profile picture


Come, come on the kickdrum come

About Me

I'm a fist pumpin', kick throwin', body surfin', hair pullin', pulse rasin', head bangin', heart stoppin', jager shootin', rockin' good time. Or at least I like to think so.Prepare for the summer of Greenlee.

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My Interests

Music. Film. Theatre. Double Dares. Looking and not touching. Sometimes touching. Mostly always touching. Fashion. Dance parties. Wine. Adventures. Meeting new people. Make believe.

I'd like to meet:

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Aerosmith, Guns N Roses, Alice Cooper, KISS, Poison, AC/DC, Motley Crue, Slayer, Twisted Sister, Bon Jovi, Ramones, Sabbath, Metallica, Pink Floyd, The Scorpions, Sex Pistols, Led Zepplin, Skid Row, Jimi Hendrix, The Doors, George Thorogood, Lynard Skinard, David Bowie, Prince, Billy Idol, The Sounds, Shiny Toy Guns, Noisettes, Jeffree Star, The Holloways, Mickey Avalon, DJ Shadow, Postal Service, Death Cab, Bloc Party, Broken Social Scene, Metric, Fox Jaw, David Gray, Coldplay, Spank Rock, NOFX, Lagwagon, Anti-Flag, Pennywise, No Use For A Name, Brand New, Rise Against, Big Wig, Bullet For My Valentine, Atreyu, Turbo Negro, Beastie Boys, HIM, Transplants, Rancid, Spice Girls, AFI, Franky Sins, The Used, Pussycat Dolls (that's right).


Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, Fight Club, Snatch, Lock Stock, Godfather 1,2,3, Jackie Brown, Goodfellas, Get Shorty, The Rock, Four Brothers, Oceans 12, Fargo, Saving Private Ryan, Dreamcatcher, The Punisher, Tenacious D, school of Rock, Anything Happy Madison, Wedding Crashers, Zoolander, Old School, Blades of Glory, Taledega Nights, Anchor Man, 40 Year Old Virgin, Dodge Ball, Baseketball, Team America, Airheads, Love Actually, The Holiday... there's more..


LOST, Prison Break, Conan, SNL, Sex & the City, America's Next Top Model, Flavor of Love, Entourage, Friends, South Park.


Brave New World, 1984, Headhunter, Dude Where's my country, Bicentennial Man, I Robot, The Unfettered Mind, The Da Vinci Code, The Hitman Diaries, Wise Guy...


Jebus, Guy Ritchie, Mr. Adduono, Steven Tyler, Mama, Batman...

My Blog

Love Shmove.

To those recently bit by the love bat:Amy Winehouse says it best, "love is a losing game". At the risk of sounding like my aorta is pumping a thick dose of estrogen rather than my standard A positive,...
Posted by greenlee on Mon, 28 May 2007 03:38:00 PST

Where is the love?

French philosopher, Blaise Pascal, argued that it is a better "bet" to believe in God than not to do so because the expected value of believing is always greater than the expected value of not believi...
Posted by greenlee on Tue, 22 May 2007 08:45:00 PST

The Snow Globe.

Let her lay for a minute. Let the wet snow land on the straightened locks she once shielded from any form of precipitation in fear of the slightest curl. Let her leather coat be torn by the harsh side...
Posted by greenlee on Thu, 17 May 2007 07:48:00 PST

Casting Call.

I need all girlfriends that fall under one or all of these categories:1) Are you a sexy bitch?2) Are you flexible?3) Can you dance?4) Are you the furthest thing from camera shy?I need to beef up my fi...
Posted by greenlee on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 07:17:00 PST

I am greenlee , hear me roar.

Guy takes his wife to the Doctor... The Doc says, "Well, it's either Alzheimers disease or AIDS." "What do you mean?" The guy says, "You can't tell the difference?" "Yeah, the two look a lot alike ...
Posted by greenlee on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 06:20:00 PST

Steven Tyler, apple pie, and new panties.

1. Aerosmith & Motley Crue fucking killed the other night. 2. I miss Denessa. 3. I miss Mishelle. 4. I'm worried about my momma. She's goin' under the knife today. 5. I wonder if my attempt at ba...
Posted by greenlee on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 09:45:00 PST

A Film by: Greenlee.

Guess what...? I have officially joined the Toronto Women of Film & Television association. Not only that, this little Greenlee has just invested in some amazing new equiptment and a state of the ...
Posted by greenlee on Tue, 01 Aug 2006 01:35:00 PST

This is my calling.

I'm meeting with Katherine Bainbridge on August 1st. She produces documentaries and I sent my script to her about a year ago. Recently she left a message on my voice mail expressing her interest in pr...
Posted by greenlee on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 04:58:00 PST


1. You are truly the best friend a girl could ask for. Always on my side and always attempting to make me laugh in order to cheer me up. Advice from you may as well come with a subscription price beca...
Posted by greenlee on Thu, 15 Jun 2006 06:13:00 PST

Woman is a danger cat

The female is one of Gods most complex creatures and quite possibly, his cruelest invention. I laugh when men like Freud think they have us figured out. And logically, we as women cannot possibly expe...
Posted by greenlee on Thu, 04 May 2006 01:05:00 PST