? ? ? I LOVE SAMMI ? ? ?
ooooh HTML CODEZ sic
I Freakin love the chillis, kanye west and pharrell.
I like most music except all this new scene rock stuff (bullet, MCR) too saft.
I go to halesowen college (get in)
check out mah band
- Playing drums
- Skateboarding
- GYMing it
- SWIMing it
- Music
- Snooker
- Playing basketball
- Playing Snooker
jazz/funk players drummers bassists guitarists any great musicians. Some cool skaters like Rodney Mullen
The Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Nirvana, Kanye West, Pharrell, Slipknot, Ironmaiden, bob marley, feist, johnny cash, The Ramones, just god damn anythin' ecept all the new emoish rock bands like MCR damn there crap and classical appart from that i can lilsten to most music.
Comedys mostly Every Adam Sandler film, every Jim Carrey film, MR BEAN (get in) (or most, if u care to recomend one i haven't seen)
Documentarys and Comedys like My Wife and Kids, The Simpsons, My Name is Earl AND SOUTH PARK (GET IN) DIRTY SANCHEZ, VIVA LA BAM, JACKASS or for the saddo side WILD LIFE ON ONE DAVID ATTENBOROUGH GET IN
only college books realy but i only find the law ones interesting
Donoghue v Stevenson (1932) cant beat it
and i confess harry potter all of em wht can ya do
friends/family and LEE god damn EVANS and CHARLES DARWIN wht a guy well ahead of his time nice one