Vera profile picture


About Me

if i don't somehow manage to offend, disgust, shock, embarrass, terrify, alienate, and/or injure you, or make you feel "uncomfortable" we'll be great friends.
i git cranky at the sight or mere mention of any sort of fruit in heavy syrup. i despise celery, the most dastardly of all vegetables. i am an orphan anxiously awaiting the day i am adopted by millionaires. ideally, millionaires to whom celery is such an abomination, they will use their millionaire-ish ways to eradicate it's very crunchy, fibrous, icky existence.
i've decided to start drinking directly through my brain. this technique is in its infancy, and as such there's many a kink to be worked out (and as they indeed sang it best, 'i'm not like everybody else'!). . . i have also been down in the lab furiously working on ways to remove this meddlesome heart from my sleeve. looks like i may have to dispose of the whole blasted arm, or something, or move to new orleans and get rebuilt with vintage motorcycle parts, or somehow convince this town and its somewot strangely likeable inhabitants not to give up on me just yet, or something. i love you to death janine - telling me i've now got "nikki six's hair" was the funniest gem i've heard in almost an entire lifetime, although i'd truly love to watch the warriors again because that made me smile alot, too, and ever since i have become un-speak-to-able i've caught a case of the most dreadful insomnia ever, and i'd much rather be consumptive methinks. but really, i do clean up quite nicely when i'm not sickly and/or struck dumb with the "i simply don't know wot to do's". and i'll swear it on the honour of any boy scout that isn't simply terrified to death of me as i calmly dump drinkys on my head.
(im)practical mathematics: leopard print + orange soda + bed + (unknown) + those cherry italian ices = sleep for days!
i make ridiculous statements. run and hide!
i wear my heart on my sleeve. run and hide!
olympic swimmer in a suicide ocean. opened up and bled, oh did i ever! give me a foreign car and i'll most certainly slam on the brakes. scout's honour. sometimes good gals do wear american flags, and i can assure you this digital dropout was nowhere near marty robbins when he um, expired.
run and hide!
"frantic romantic"
run and hide!
"a man who is of sound mind is one who keeps the inner madman under lock and key" -Paul Valery.
"Take care of luxuries and the necessities will take care of themselves."
"rags & bones & battered shoes"
"The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity."
"cuz imitation's boring"
"rationalise this pagaent of pigsties / definalise the unthinking grey skies / i'm sitting uneasy upon my throne of fears"
"i've been crowned by sorrow / i've been crowned by hate / i've been crowned in black, now i abdicate. . . "
Razors pain you; Rivers are damp;
Acids stain you; And drugs cause cramp.
Guns aren't lawful; Nooses give;
Gas smells awful; You might as well live.
"nothing is true and everything is permitted"
"here's to the merry-go-round"
frock-abilly freakout on heels.
"i'm trouble, kid. don't encourage me." - mike hammer

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

someone i've never met.
and . . .
a glimmer of light. those willing to accept the challenge (see 'About Me' above for further details). Sister Ann. Bleachy (he's joinin' th' army t'day!). Anthony Bourdain - again! - and i'll most certainly babble up a storm this time, yessiree. Ed Anger. Robert Mitchum. Dorothy Parker. Jackie Clark. Dave Alexander. Rodney Dangerfield. Tony Rigatoni. Liver Eatin' Johnson. Dr. House. the King of Kalifornia. Paul Westerberg - at the altar. Mark Sandman. winning lottery tickets. St. Dymphna,with a vodka & methadone on the rocks. Orson Welles, with a (mwahhhhaaaahhhhh) french champagne. Ghostwriter. Resurrection Mary. generous folk with deep pockets. Yogi Bhajan. Florrie Fisher. boy scouts. Man Who Fell to Earth-era Bowie. Robert Loggia. the Oregon Vortex. Vietnam. Honduras. Mexico City. Nashville. dirtbags. artists. writers. outlaws. chemists. historians. gunslingers. dirty stayouts. better blood. someone to hold me down, hold me back, and hold me up. or sumthin'.

this guy -

. . . and anyone who has got an armful of those un-naturally blue-ish purple-ish orchids i dig oh so much.

My Blog

i’m gonna miss you.

r.i.p. nick.
Posted by on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 04:27:00 GMT

simple love, sad-faced dogs and a world without gravity

i channel chet baker yet i fall in love too infinitely.the toxins shimmy through my pores. newborn death mites raining down upon pillows, blankets, sofa, floor. . . mop buckets, broken glass, itchy ex...
Posted by on Sun, 12 Aug 2007 00:20:00 GMT

face down in the fireplace

spent a morning with jack the dripper. . .spent the sun upon a loft, lived after midnight with a handsome devil. . . i looked back. . . the shadow of a man, a wrecked up rig. . . he stared me down lik...
Posted by on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 14:09:00 GMT

hey keith

headline of ages: "i snorted my dad". . . pizza man, driva man, dust man, man oh man, hey man! glad rags and dawn air raids, up on the roof - under the stars (at times under the stairs, in a stash of...
Posted by on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 17:07:00 GMT

that's it, methinks.

a striking mess of mis-matches nesting in beds of unrest stunned spirit spun to rust
Posted by on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 14:30:00 GMT

downside in-between up

where's my 20th century boy? uhhhh. . .  severe case of the morning oddities. .  childhood traumas, loves, losses, triumphs and quick flirts with the netherworld, anything that's everyt...
Posted by on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 08:27:00 GMT

ketamine crime scene

  my buzzing brain is a feeding frenzy for friendly-fire, a confused con un-found a house of glass to smash-up to crackle - sparkle - spin my teenage-ed heart into dizzy dips and hot neck gallow ...
Posted by on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 01:21:00 GMT

bodies need rest

between deep breaths and ice-storm chills i caught most of "mother, jugs and speed" on television early this morning - fabulously sick all-star cast including bill cosby, raquel welch and harvey keit...
Posted by on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 15:21:00 GMT

floors are for crashing to

half-contemplating just tossing a pile of blankets and a pillow onto the floor of the loo, for a sanity-stabilizing end to these mainly shut-eyed treks dangerously manoeuvering about this ridiculous ...
Posted by on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 02:55:00 GMT

gimme addendum

methinks that part of the problem (or at least the conspicuously absent lack of a solid solution)could be that the overall climate in this joint is sub-zero, even with the stove full-on (recalls ...
Posted by on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 23:21:00 GMT