GnosticNoise profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am a graphic, web, and advertising design artist. I have over ten years of exerperience in Web Design, seven years in Graphic Design, and five years in Advertising Design.
I always been fascinated with the artistic world, and have created art my entire life. At the age of seven, one of my collages hung in the Governor's mansion of the State of Tennessee.
The topic was protest of an incinerator planned for construction in my home-town.
My current fascinations are the works of Jeffrey von Spangenberg and Gabrielle Bakker.
Their styles are not unlike my own.

My LiveJournal

My Interests

I'd like to meet:


Gary Zukav, Author of The Dancing Wu Li Masters.
John Michael Greer, Author of Monsters! and preiminent folklore expert.
Stephen King - Stephen King is actually an interesting pick for me. I never enjoyed his style of writing, and find his stories bland I have changed my mind about him after reading his memoir On Writing. I highly recommend it.
Tom Morello, Prominent Communist musician. Guitarist for AudioSlave and Rage Against The Machine.
Liza Manelli, Broadway performance artist.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Progressive radio show host, politician.
Stephen W. Hawking, Scientist, quantam physicist, writer.
Ralph Steadman, Illustrator.


Pablo Picasso, painter.
Leonardo Di Vinci, painter, architect, scientist, journalist, comedian, consultant.
Jane Wolfe, co-founder of the College of Thelema. Adept.
Margaret Sangler, founder Planned Parenthood, feminist, suffragette.
Mowlana Jalaluddin Rumi, Afghan poet, philosopher.
Carl Sagan, Scientist, astronomer.
Friedrich Neitzche, philosopher, writer, College Professor.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, politican, reformist.
Billy Holiday, Jazz musician, singer, prostitute.
Leila Waddel, concert violinist.
William S. Boroughs, Beat poet, outlaw.

My Blog

Excuse to have a party..

I started my own business. I'm an independent consultant for Pure Romance.For those of you who don't know, that means I sell "relationship enhancement" products.It's a good reason to hang out with fr...
Posted by on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 21:45:00 GMT

Miscellaneous: I do lots of Miscellaneous things, don't I?

It's been a very busy weekend.Friday, I worked until 3 in the morning, then Raven's came charging to my rescue (valiantly I might add) when I found my own valiant steed (namely Patton) refused to star...
Posted by on Mon, 14 Aug 2006 11:05:00 GMT

Comings and Goings..

Guess who's back, back again..Today I had a pair of earrings made from Italian coins circa 1934 given to me. They are in the shape of an eagle with droplets coming down from it's wings. They're very b...
Posted by on Sun, 06 Aug 2006 20:52:00 GMT

Genre: Metaphysical, Miscellaneous

I finished one of my altars. I usually have a few of these scattered around the house.This is the one in the bedroom.Altar1.JPGAltar2.JPGAltar3.JPGAltar4.JPGEvery single item here has a specific purpo...
Posted by on Thu, 25 May 2006 00:49:00 GMT

Genre: Miscellaneous Birthday Bullshit! Part 2

Went to McKays for my bday.Spent $50 and got around 30 books, 8 movies, and 3 new cds. Also made a new friend. She was donating some books on ceremonial magick. I gave her my number and told her that ...
Posted by on Thu, 11 May 2006 12:27:00 GMT

Genre: Miscellaneous Birthday Bullshit!

..This is a song about a wait.....>In a related note, this is how I feel everyday after getting off work. I thought a few of you might appreciate this as well.Something else that makes me ...
Posted by on Mon, 08 May 2006 23:38:00 GMT


For Chattanooga area practitioners only. Would you be interested in a group to meet, share, and experiment with occult theory and practice? Yes, definitely. The idea is interesting, but I am not sur...
Posted by on Sat, 22 Apr 2006 23:13:00 GMT

Genre: Metaphysical, Psychological, Theoretical, Emotional...

... and any other number of words or phrases that I could possibly think of at this time...Theoretically: In giving life, do I retain the power to take it away?Psychologically: I'm burnt.Emotionally: ...
Posted by on Mon, 17 Apr 2006 11:42:00 GMT

Genre: Miscellaneous

I went out to a tavern called The Last Call last night. This is the first bar I've gone out to since I moved back to Chattanooga.I made two new friends, Jessie and Laci.I drank four Guiness, and promp...
Posted by on Sun, 02 Apr 2006 13:06:00 GMT

Genre: Entertainment

What type of Fae are you?*laughs*
Posted by on Wed, 29 Mar 2006 23:52:00 GMT