Hi, It's mE...Michelle 21 year old FUlL-time cOlleGe StUdent LivInG iN WilminGton NC. WherE I live With mY _WIFEY_ ShaRi and Our TwO PEts MuLAta AnD GArField. Born in BelgiuM rAiseD iN FayeTtevillE NC. miX wIth AfriCan AmerIcaN And GerMaN , BuT aLwaYs Will HavE sUm CubAn In Me *** GrAduAted In 2004 frOm JAck BritT HiGh ScHooL I LoVe ShopPing bAsicallY spEnDing $$$... wHaT cAn I sAy My BaBe SpoILs Me To DeaTh !!! i LOve gEttiNg F**k uP AnD pArtyinG WitH oUr frIenDs . I'm a Easy gOinG persOn,kiNd oF wierD But In A FunNy WaY Im NicE BuT meAn LikE A BitCh WheN i NeEd to Be. I LuV HaVinG FriEnds And MakIng New ONEs... I'm NOt hERE To mAke FrienDs or FOR pEople To like Me, I'M hERE fOr mE AnD onlY mE... I LoVe mY LiFe All bEcausE oNe peRsOn tUrneD My WhoLe WorLd aRounD, and i THANk GoD for puTtinG HeR in My LifE... LoVe YoU CuKA!!!
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