..-My name is MarÃa Eugenia López Romero, but everybody calls me something different. Maru, and its derivatives, are popular.
-I was born in México City, and consider myself a chilanga, even if I’ve lived elsewhere for 20 years.
-I talk, laugh, cry, sing, and worry way too much.
-I agree with Ninny Threadgoode when she says the best thing in life is best friends. I have a good number of outstanding friends, and I do know how lucky I am. I only hope I can be as good to them as they’ve been to me. You be the judge.
-I consider my life has been extremely happy, all in all.
-I have a younger brother who has been torturing me the last 10 years of my life because I tortured him the 10 first years of his. We believe that’s fair. I also have a 13 year old baby sister and an 8 year old baby brother, but people keep telling me they’re my cousins.
-People tend to go to me for advice, so I'm really excited I have a degree now, and I can start charging them. Just kidding...or am I??? : )
-If you see me crying, and I tell you nothing’s wrong, it’s true. Maybe I just saw a dog chow commercial.
-I enjoy videogames more than any girl I know, and I'm pretty faithful to Mario and Yoshi. I love Yoshi.
-The movie theater is my happy place. I enjoy all kinds of films, except for action flicks maybe, and I can watch movies I like over and over and over again.
-I remember about 5 dreams per night, but don't have visual images for them.
-I can play the piano with my feet, but I prefer not to anymore…
-I spend a lot of time in my inside world, so I tend to be very oblivious to the world around me, and manage to never hear about things that seem to be public domain.
-I make lists compulsively. I also make constant references to stuff being on "my top 5 this", and my "top 10 that", but I never know the other 4 or 9 items of it.
-I started talking before I was one year old, and never really stopped. But you know that. Alas, I never learned how to climb down stairs properly.
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And now...people I madly love!!!