Kazbah profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm in the process of developing my company, Live The Day Cool Music, which provides artists with promotion, marketing consulting, merchandise design and distribution, and several other services depending on each band's individual needs. We will also be working in association with other music companies who specialize in artist management, booking, web design and more.
My goal for Live The Day Cool is to cross the barrier between the general public and the indie music scene. I only promote musicians that I believe in whole-heartedly- in their talents but also their ambitions and philosophies. I live for music that is good enough to take you to another place, with melodies you can float away on, and lyrics that can only be described as poetry to fit any emotion- to comfort hurts in the hard times and celebrate the happy moments.
For more info or to request help from LTDC, you can contact me here on myspace or send an email to [email protected]

This year I am back up in Vermont for my last year @ Middlebury College. But of course, I have a FREE CONCERT SERIES going on here too. Shows are ALL-AGES, FREE, and OPEN TO THE PPUBLIC.SPRING 2008:UTOPIA & LIVE THE DAY COOL present:
ROCK THE KAZBAH summer concert series
FREE live music on the beach
Tuesdays @ Calf Pasture Beach
Norwalk CT
***all shows are free!!!***
To introduce people to truly inspired artists that they wouldn't find on their own. The series features a collection of some of the most talented bands in the tri-state area and beyond-- this area has an amazing music scene, IF you know where to look. So I've taken it on as my job is just to show you where to look. It is my hope that every man, woman, teen, and child (and possibly dog) that attends an RtK concert will discover something they love, and walk away with a catchy tune in their head, a great CD in their pocket, a new interest in live music, and the sense of satisfaction and inner peace that I feel every time I'm in the presence of such beauty.
And by bringing good music to the public I hope to build a broader base of listeners and fans for the featured bands, whose talents overwhelm me everyday... every time one of their songs moves someone in the audience is a gift in my eyes. Nothing makes me happier than music, and if I can spread that feeling to even one person each day then I can honestly say I am making a difference in the world, however small.
For a little preview of what you are in store for, take a moment to browse the featured bands on my top 24- listen for free, get a sense of their style... then COME ON OUT EVERY TUESDAY to enjoy the summer sun in the company of a whole lotta happy people listening to some beautiful music.
ROCK THE KAZBAH summer dates:
6/19 Benyaro
Sam Cassacio
7/10 Darian Cunning
Sneaky Pete
a full-day festival on the beach,
live music runs from 11am to 8pm, and then we hop a party train into NYC for Scarecrow Collection at BB KING'S to celebrate!!
INFO AND LINE-UP: myspace.com/LTDCmusic
7/17 Brian Dolzani
Scarecrow Collection
7/24 The Casual Fiasco
8/28 The Way Up
Falling Season
8/30 Brian Dolzani
King For A Day
listen to all these bands for FREE- you can find them in the top friends on my Live The Day Cool myspace page

and don't forget to friend me on that account to stay updated on Rock the Kazbah and LTDC Music Fest info!
directions to Calf Pasture Beach: (GET OFF 95 AT EXIT 16, FOLLOW SIGNS THAT SAY "BEACH AREA". ITS THAT EASY>) When you come into the beach parking lot make a right and follow the road til ou see the skate park (and trailer stage) on your left.
STAY TUNED FOR UPDATES AND MORE INFO ON THESE EVENTS!! if you want to get involved in promotions or the production of these concerts, contact me at [email protected]
smooth running
true loving
oh yeah ok so about me:
I dig music.
To me, music the the truest, purest art form, the one closest to raw human emotion. I have been blessed in my life to come into contact with so many unbelievable musicians, who by staying true to their art have kept me from being disillusioned of that idealistic notion. If you feel this way about music I know you will appreciate the talent of the bands that Live The Day Cool represents, so go ahead and listen to my top 24!
my life is about music: listening, promoting, buying, selling, singing, and most importantly sharing good music with anyone who will listen! i focus mostly on indie rock, jam, and hip hop, but i love any genre of music... as long as it has good lyrics and people who are amazing at their instruments; true artists with passion for what they do, devotion to their fans, down-to-earth attitude, and a sense of humor. And of course, a kick ass live show.
besides music my interests are: driving along the coast, drawing, dancing, yoga, the beach, running, biking, swimming, languages, and special education. hanging out with old friends, making new friends. branching out. meeting people who love music as much as i do. MAKING people love music as much as i do. expanding the LTDC empire. LEARNING.
also, trying to cultivate awareness for CELIAC DISEASE, on behalf of my small intestine.
"God give me one shot and i'll break right through" -of a revolution
now... speaking of unbelievable musicians...
SCARECROW COLLECTION new album "RADIO FREQUENCY DISASTER" now available!! spring/summer tour is underway and going great! scarecrow took the entire east coast by storm in april, and spread the love all the way to chicago in may.
JOIN THE SCARECROW COLLECTION MAILING LIST to help me promote and find out when SCC is playing near you!!
First Name:
Last Name:
Zip Code:
be our myspace friend and check out a show this fall!
a href="http://www.myspace.com/scarecrowcollection" target="0" >

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Music People. if you are one, you know what i mean by this. people who who consider music as important as oxygen. or the sun. people who are open to new music, who are always ready to spread the word about the music they love and listen to suggestions from others. anyone who knows that we CAN make a difference, make things happen, change people's attitudes, affect people's lives. and that applies not only to music people, but to anyone who is passionate about anything. if you are one of these people, i want to know you. feel free to send me a message, email me ([email protected]) or im me (screename- backson22)

My Blog

how do you measure a year in the life? besides with a tattoo?

so now, today marks two years.  again i spent this day in reflection, my mind filled with memories of Mark, thoughts of my life before everything changed, and of course of my life after ever...
Posted by on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 23:03:00 GMT


WHERE TO BE FOR THE LAST WEEK OF SUMMER... Wednesday 8/29   -NYC: Give Us The Money Leboswki @ Rocks Off boat cruise    -Bridgeport CT: Roger Edel's Hotbox @ Acoustic Cafe ...
Posted by on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 10:36:00 GMT

where to find me (and the best bands) at THE VIBES

the vibes are upon us... make sure you do it right!all i have to say is.... SOLAR BEACH STAGE!!!!some of the very best music you've heard all summer is going to be happening  there... sets so go...
Posted by on Wed, 08 Aug 2007 11:33:00 GMT


ROCK THE KAZBAH is a series of FREE outdoor concerts running every tuesday this summer down at Calf Pasture Beach in Norwalk, from 6 to 9 pm. COPY CODES BELOW BANNER TO USE ON MYSPACE    &...
Posted by on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 15:53:00 GMT

Saturday 7/14: LTDC Music Fest , party train, SCC @ BB King's!!

THIS IS THE BEST MUSIC WEEKEND OF THE SUMMER.  well ok except maybe for the vibes... but definitely the best music weekend of the summer SO FAR.Saturday is LIVE THE DAY COOL MUSIC FEST, which is ...
Posted by on Wed, 11 Jul 2007 19:47:00 GMT

(a very important) WHERE TO BE: week of 7/9-7/15

this week's WHERE TO BE for the tri-state area :)TUESDAY JULY 10th6-9 pm: ROCK THE KAZBAH free concert:              Darian Cunning ...
Posted by on Fri, 06 Jul 2007 16:12:00 GMT

all about OMAR! free shows (6/28 & 7/10), tour dates, and news

OMAR WILSON at ALIVE @ 5 this week!Omar is opening for The Neville Brothers on June 28th in Stamford at Alive at 5 in Columbus Park (Stamford , CT ) in front of roughly 6000people (6pm-645pm). He i...
Posted by on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 19:55:00 GMT

for relaxing times, make it ROLLA and KING FOR A DAY times

so as usual you all don't have to worry about how you should spend your time this weekend, because i will do it for you:KING FOR A DAY is playing at Designer's Loft in Bridgeport at 2pm on Thursday&&....
Posted by on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 20:03:00 GMT

Scarecrow Collection write-up in The Leader this week

Great article about Scarecrow Collection with interview with Gerard came out in The Leader this week! Includes an exclusive interview with lead singer Gerard Fee about the history and development of t...
Posted by on Sat, 23 Jun 2007 12:50:00 GMT

Rock the Kazbah summer concert series

UTOPIA & LIVE THE DAY COOL present:Rock the Kazbah summer concert seriestuesdays 6-9pm @ Calf Pasture Beach, Norwalk CTRtK schedule: 6/19 BenyaroRolla7/10Darian Cunning BandSneaky PeteOmar Wi...
Posted by on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 18:11:00 GMT