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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

Who are you? AaRoN SoLLoWay
What keeps you awake at night? PaRtyiNg aNd ESPN
If you could go back in time and change something, what would you change? TheRes a CouPLe Of ThinGs
Are you happy with your life at the moment? yEa DeF, Im BacK iN DE w/ FamiLy & FriEnDs
What do you like most about yourself? I gO HaRD...
Do you ever wish you were someone else? HeLL nO, I LiKe wHo I aM
What's the worst thing anyone has ever done to you? GiVe uP
Do you have a dark secret that you have never told anyone? EvERyoNE hAS TheiR SeCreTs
What do you like most about your friends? ThEy kEEp mE oN mY ToES...BaD cO 4 LiFe
Have you ever come close to dying? nOPe GoT LucKy So FaR
What one thing do you want most in this world? To FigHT iN a VeGaS UFC OcToGoN oNe TiMe aGainST BJ PeNN, I AbSoLuTeLy HaTe ThaT dUdE LoL
How do you want to be remembered when you die? JuST To bE rEmEmbEReD aT aLL, EvEryOnE iS ForGoTTEn SooNeR oR LaTeR
What do you never take for granted? LiFe & FaMiLy CauSe yOU oNLy GeT oNE ShoT aT BoTh

*** Top 4 Favorite Bands ***
1. favorite: BuLLeT FoR mY VaLenTinE
2. favorite: KiLLswiTch EnGaGe
3. favorite: InCuBuS
4. favorite: FunERaL FoR a FrieND
*** Your Top 4 Most Played Songs ***
5. favorite: InCuBus - PaRdoN Me
6. favorite: FiNcH - WhaT iT iS To BurN
7. favorite: Foo FiGHTerS - EvErLonG
8. favorite: KiLLsWiTcH EnGaGe - ThiS FirE

9. What is your favorite genre of music?: RoCK & CouNTrY
10. What is your least favorite genre of music?: PoP
11. Do You Download Songs Or Buy CDs?: DoWNLoaD
12. What song gets you pumped up: AuGusT BurNs ReD - ThE TruTh oF a LiaR
13. Who is the best you have seen in concert?: DiSTurBeD
14. What music posters do you have up in your room?: InCuBus
15. What is your favorite album?: FunERaL FoR a FRieND - CaSuALLy DreSSeD iN DeeP ConVerSaTioN
16. Last cd you bought?: AuGusT bURnS ReD - ConSTeLLaTionS
17. What song do you love at the moment?: DaviD NaIL - REd LigHT
18. Last song to be stuck in your head?: SiXX aM - LiFe iS BeaUTiFuL
19. If you could hang out with a musician for a day, who would it be?: AnYoNE FRoM BuLLet foR mY vaLenTiNe
20. Why?: CaUsE ThEY hAve a SouND LiKE nO oTHeR bANd & TheY gO HarD..ThaYs WhY
21. Is music important to you?: MoS dEF, sOmE LyRiCs JusT FiT inTo YoUr LiFe
22. Could you live without music?: HeLL nO, YoU wouLD HaVe To PuLL THe PluG
23. Do you play an instrument?: DrUmS
24. Do you know anyone in a band?: YeA My BroThER PJ 'WiThiN HeaRTs PoTenTiaL'
25. What song are you listening to right now?: PanDoRa RaDiO - JaSoN aLdeAn

My Blog

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..> You Know You're From Delaware When... You know where, what and when the Hummers Parade is held. "Vacation" means going to Rehoboth or Cape "Cantaloupe" Henlopen.You know the best subs com...
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