FAshion, music,books life..............whatEver Catches my Attention
The WHolE FReakin INduTry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i aM theUltimate FAshionLOver ,NetWork people NEtwork. All artists HOLla @ur Girl i can change u whole look , models, up comin artist get @ me i can make u look like a million bucks please believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FAllOut boy, Dipset, NAS ,JAy-Z, Nelly Fuertado,Avril Lavinge, AShlee simpson,BEyonce.............shit if i can move to the groove its alright w/ me
if it aint funny fuck it!!!!!!!!!! nah but im a big white girl movie lover....example...How 2 lose a guy in 10 days,Mean girls, th e devil wears Prada shit like that
will& grace, South Park, im the ultimate old lady i watch Golden Girls. my name is earl oh man that show is ridiculously funny. Family Guy yessss!
anything pertaining science (kind of a nerd),Fashion news, good fiction , black fiction books..........HARRY POTTER
GOD ,MY DAD, My SON........MY damn self