x____kiss profile picture


....the photographs your boyfriend took....

About Me

Pain Upon Your Shoulder: my bridges of tears, will come down on me, and we will sing this song we made up to make it pass the time away, just help me find my way, though life, i love you so much i cant lie, about that, i cant, see without you.and wen i leave, these stories will colide, into, thousands of peices of mine, and you will to, feel my pain upon your shoulder, crashing and bashing against my head.and when i get into the car, and i see your face for the last time, i stop to think, about all the good times we shared, together, all the pain we suffered, with each other, all the thoughts i, had, in, mine....and wen i leave, these stories will colide, into, thousands of peices of mine, and you will to, feel my pain upon your shoulder, crashing and bashing against my head. [repeat 2x]

My Interests

music. photography. emo. emo.guys. goin.to.the.mall. hangin.out.with.kadie.and.mattie.

I'd like to meet:

i.3.emo.guys. they.are.hot.


-- My Chemical Romance - I'm Not Okay -- Video code provided by KEKAI BOYthe.used.my.chemical.romance.taking.back.sunday.greely.es tates.and.lots.more.






speak.by.laurie.halse.anderson. about.a.girl.that.was.intentionally.raped.by.a.17.year.old.b oy.at.a.teen.party.


Napoleon.Dynamite. Guitarist.from.the.used. Singer.from.my.chemical.romance.

My Blog


Your lipstick, his collar.. don't bother Angel I know exactly what goes on
Posted by x____kiss on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


cant believe all the things u sed to- ME*scream* jordan is such a cutiepie!<33 andrews cute also....<3 so effin hawt! <3333333333333333333333
Posted by x____kiss on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST