ENGLI$H MI$FIT! profile picture



About Me

I am Eliza Jasmine Jones
I'm 160cm tall :D
I wear a lot of make-up and have hair extensions,I like fake tan, fake eyelashes and BIG sunglasses. I wear short skirts and love big earrings. If you have a problem with me, please share it. Because if i have a problem with you, you will know about it :D i like most people and im quite friendly, but there a few people i wouldn't mind throwing off a bridge. i get bored really easily and i have the attention span of a three year old. I'm extremely gullable, seriously.. i believe anything. i will be nice to you if your nice to me, if not i will LOL in your face :)
I rarely go on MSN but my adress is; [email protected]
End of innit bebbz.
PS - if you watch all my videos at the same time its mint :D

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My Interests

eliza, is this HO’z name,
shes a big playa in da drug game,
wi her gud lukz she putz all gurls 2 shame,
shes that fuckin hot i can see a flame,
if she dumps u itz u huz 2 blame,
not treatin her rite deres sumit rong wi ur brain,
2 not care about her u must b insane,
shes da top gurl, u no wot im sayin,
shes in a mood wi u den u best start prayin,
coz 1 fone call n shes got boiz slayin,
huntin 4 u coz shes got the power,
to hav an army cum n devour,
u n ur crew 4 actin sour,
itll all b ova in about an hour,
wi an uzi she’ll giv ya boiz a shower,
use there bodies 2 make a tower,
she’ll rip u apart like a lil flower,
shes 2 gangsta 2 av her hair in curls,
she shines brite nxt 2 utha gurls,
c her on a nite poppin them swirls,
on da dance floor bustin out twirls,
evri1z jelus ov this pretty gurl,
got beef wi her, itz u against da world,
she mite not b da hardest wen shes on her own,
but her biggest weapon is her mobile phone,
with her mobile phone shes neva alone,
a quick phone call n she cud av u thrown,
off ov a brigde,
put in a ditch,
castrated so u cant have kids,
jus like any 1 she dont like a snitch,
grass on her she’ll turn in2 a bitch,
like any1 shes got her limitz,
cross the line n ur life is finished,


These girls they are all gorgeous and i well COULD NOT live without them.

I would definitly say this girl was my bestest friend like ever, we're like sisters. We know exactly what each other are thinking (i think it's called telepathy or something) All our personal jokes never fail to amuse me. We always know how to have a good time; if its going out and being silly or just having a lazy day in our pj's. BFFL♥
To be quite honest i think i'd be in quite a pickle without this girl, she never fails to make me smile even if i'm in one of those 'fuck off you silly twat' moods.We're just sluts with big boobs who have so many personal jokes i would be here all day listing them. ♥

I have most definitly become very much closer to this girl in the last few months, i would say she's one of my closest and definitly my BRONZE. I reckon she knows everything about me and i know everything about her.♥

This girl is one special person, she's like the one who knows exactly what to do to cheer me up, we have long chats about things that no one else would be able to understand and we seem to be getting really like closer since the start of year 9 ♥

Well Cath is just the nicest person you will ever meet, inside and out. We've had ten years of each other and have many inside jokes. I trust her loads and she always seems to have an answer to my problems. ♥

She never fails to amuse me with her dumb-blondeness, like that time in D.F 'So where does the egg go miss?' No one could have a bad word to say about her.she can always put a BIG smile on my face. ♥
Angela, Lily, Charly H, Sarah K, Rachel B, Ellie B♥
Ben, Jack M, Lewis C, Matt T, Lewis G, Dan K♥
Real friends. The people you know will always be there.