seamonkey.adventures profile picture


About Me

When the Van Seamonkeys migrated from the Old Country to a Large beach town on the Small island of New Holland (Australia), their own music from their native Nordelstroomjelstenberg - a small village on the border of Flanders and a country that borders it - had blended with Folk, Gypsy, Reggae, Eastern, and anything that was on the wireless at the time, along with rhythmical electromechanical clicking that came from the engines of various modes of travel. Which was fortunate, because the popular local instrument in Nordelstroomjelstenberg was the umbrella.
Over time, the "Van" was dropped from the family name, as other forms of transport became popular. And thus it was that Ernst Van Seamonkey begat Jon Seamonkey, and blessed him with broad musical taste and cursed him with a somewhat unmusical heritage.
Jon's indecisive nature has meant he has never really known what instrument to play well. At one time* he has played guitar, bass, keys, drums, sang and tampered with sequencing and recording gear. This makes him particularly valuable to friends who need to borrow stuff.
Like the Van Seamonkeys before him, the urge to cross the Ocean has been compelling and taken Jon to lands far and wide. And occasionally to lands near and narrow, too.
If he could be anywhere right now, Jon would be strumming around on a guitar on a beach somewhere. He would even let you borrow the guitar. But there is a 2 song limit and no 80's Glam metal please.
Jon hopes you enjoy the tunes. Drop by and visit anytime.
*Note: "At one time" does not mean "all at the same time" - so please don't be disappointed if you come to a show where one instrument is played for the entire set.

My Interests


Member Since: 23/02/2006
Band Members: Jon Seamonkey - Guitar, vocal, electrosequencing apparaticulator

Sydney '05
Yuval "Angel" - Lead Guitar

Germany '05
Stefan Thelen - Drums, Percussion
Frank Reussner-Percussion
Jens Bertonnier - Bass
And sometimes....

Olek Gelba - Percussion
Miguel Diaz - Lead guitar
Kai Weindinger - Guitar

Sydney '06
Kelly Brown - Cello

Sydney '07
El Sole Mio - with a little help from my friends...
Influences: The Beaches of Manly, Mojacar, Ko Lanta, Goa, Essouiera and Sinai where the power of nature converges with the human tendency to gather in groups.
The Music of all who are driven to create something unique, use the medium to communicate their message, temper their talent with tireless effort, or simply just want to have some fun with it. Some of my favourites (in no particular order) REM, Radiohead, Jeff Buckley, Eliott Smith, Bjork, Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan and some of my talented friends.
The art of Alfons Mucha, the sounds of nature, the humour of zeFrank, the ingenuity of technology, the music of language, and You. Yes You!
Sounds Like: wrrr click beeeeep budahbudah wahhh zzzzzzt
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

At the end of ’07

Dear Friends, As the curtain draws on 2007, I hope you have all had a fantastic year. I have achieved things in the last 12 months I would never have thought possible and I can only hope you have fou...
Posted by on Wed, 26 Dec 2007 18:28:00 GMT

about the tunes...

So these tunes I built when I was travelling a few years ago - never quite sounded right with what I was doing then but it's where I want to go now. Jolling Philharmonic is a field of crickets on...
Posted by on Thu, 20 Dec 2007 22:12:00 GMT