Will the real David Duarte please stand-up? profile picture

Will the real David Duarte please stand-up?

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm a stand-up comic. I was told myspace was a good vehicle to promote myself so here I am. I must admit this is kind of gay, but I guess I gotta swallow my pride (if nothing else) and gay it up a bit if I want this myspace deal to work for me. So.....how ya doing everybody! Wanna be my friend? Well golly gee willickers that's great!------------------------------------------------------ -------------DAVID DUARTE aka the d-child--------------------THE d-child, being one of many aliases I am known by. Also given the name "ColdCock" in my home city until my true identity was revealed by an overly eager law enforcement. The alias stuck when an elderly man on the verge of a carjacking witnessed me level the would be assailant with a single strike. "He coldcocked the son of a bitch!", the old man told them, and the press ran with it. They weren't content with me reducing the crime rate substantially by 63% thanks to my nightly ventures to rid the city of subhuman vermin. They just had to know who I was. Curiosity killed them when the local media urged local authorities to unmask me and hand me the key to the city. Thus, they did and now "Coldcock's" true identity was revealed, leaving me no choice but to go into hiding. I still well up inside when I sense a crime being commited, but I no longer get involved. Not surprisingly, crime is up considerably.--------------------------------------ANOTHER alias of mine, "DaddyLongLegs" was unearthed by those of the female gender. I was taunted by women I would get intimate with because of my slender build. No sooner than I disrobed, women would joke, "It looks like you have three legs! Ha Ha Ha!" Or even worse, "Is that a baby arm?! Hee Hee Hee!" Nonetheless, I stood strong...and banged them....real hard.--------------------------------THE MONICKER "the d-child" was born when during a regretful drunken state of mine, I walked into a rap "cypher". The dueling rappers noticed me and began to spew their lyrical venom on me. Taking it as a challenge, not to mention all the spectators waiting for my reply, I took a deep breath and unleashed a toxic lyrical massacre still spoken of today. Within months I was unwillingly infamous. Aspiring rappers found it unfair that I was allowed in these competitions, forfeits were commonplace and many dreams were cut short. It still bothers me to this day. Despite my pleas for them to stick with it, they wouldn't budge. A common response, "What good is it for me to write all these lyrics when you smoke niggas with just one rhyme?! Damn!" Not a day goes by that I don't regret entering that cypher. If any of you are out there reading this, go back to the club, pick up a pen & pad, this emcee has hung it up. Knock 'em out the box yo!-------------------------------------------------NOW, I am a comic. I believe less people will get hurt in this venture. I will bring laughter into people's lives, if just for a few minutes.I can be funny if you just give me a chance. I don't like performing to 3 people too much so check my myspace periodically to see where I will be performing next! Come check me out! Bring your friends! Then you can treat me to Denny's afterward....I'll leave the tip.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Gwen Stefani and Jessica Alba just got knocked up, so they lost some points with me. So I’ll go with Charlize Theron, Kelly Rowland and of course Shakira.....I’d bang them very hard. And of course.....

My Blog

5 (meaningless)

          Wow. 5.  I was supposed to write this about 6 weeks ago.  Oh well, shit happens.  The number 5 actually should have some sign...
Posted by on Wed, 13 Aug 2008 00:08:00 GMT

My ELITE 8 (Greatest Comedians)

I've always been a fan of Top 10 lists and have been considering my Top 10 Greatest Comedians of all time.  There are a lot of great ones out there past & present but I thought I would rundow...
Posted by on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 01:08:00 GMT

Finally...A New Blog...How's Comedy?

It's been almost a year since my last blog.  As I write this they're showing that commercial with the sad-looking dogs & cats with sad music in the background.  Makes me sad...for a seco...
Posted by on Tue, 03 Jul 2007 00:08:00 GMT


The inevitable has arrived.  The one known as the Comic Marvel has returned for good to unleash his wrath upon the Earth.  As prophetized, like a ravaging tornado, it will appear small ...
Posted by on Wed, 19 Jul 2006 22:39:00 GMT

PREPARE YOURSELVES....It is sooner than you think

The prophecy of the Coming of David  has been foretold......Know that the assault will arrive in a matter of days....not months or years as doubters predict.  Preparation is advised to ...
Posted by on Tue, 20 Jun 2006 01:05:00 GMT


It has been prophetized for years and many fear that its time is coming soon.  We speak of the Coming of the Comic Marvel.  The Duarte David.  The wheels have been set in motion, and th...
Posted by on Sat, 13 May 2006 17:04:00 GMT


I'm about to burst my bloggin' cherry, slowly but surely I am learning the ins and outs of this cyber world.  So here is my first "blog."  As the headline reads, I am the unknown comic....
Posted by on Sat, 18 Mar 2006 01:04:00 GMT